Example sentences of "voters [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In the Vale of Glamorgan , which the Tories won by 19 votes after a second recount , 64 overseas voters registered in time to vote .
2 Some 53 overseas voters registered in Bristol North-West , where the Conservatives had a majority of 45 .
3 Another factor not taken into account before the election was the number of expatriate Tory voters registered in marginal constituencies .
4 Districts have 3-5 members , but voters pick only one .
5 But the general response of voters made nonsense of the Christian Democrats ' appeal for support for strong government .
6 Gallup , for example , claimed that 37 per cent of voters made up their minds in the last week and 10 per cent decided on the day of the election .
7 While the new towns of the south have the most fickle vote , as skilled working class voters change from being C2s to Ds when they lose their jobs , the coast offers a strange picture of unresisted decay .
8 The Party List requires voters to support parties , rather than individuals .
9 Labour voters were twice as likely as Conservative voters to support devolution , with 18 p.c. of Labour supporters in favour , while 13 p.c. of Liberal Democrats agreed .
10 Conservative strategists believe that his backing for the Prime Minister could persuade up to 500,000 wavering voters to support the Tories , and could be crucial in a number of closely-fought seats .
11 He later urged voters to support Lissouba in the second round and , according to sources close to the two parties , on Aug. 11 UPADS entered into a formal electoral alliance with the PCT .
12 These fears were given credence by the revelation that in at least one case in the March 1992 legislative elections local officials bribed voters to support an unsuccessful DLP candidate .
13 In an address on national television on Sept. 3 , King Hassan had called on voters to support the changes , which included modifications to his own powers .
14 On 7 November , he appealed to the voters to support Gaullist candidates .
15 Land in the more rural parts of the constituency is virtually covered with placards urging voters to support Mr Bates and since the by-election he has been involved in setting up a forum for local farmers to air their views .
16 Mr Rifkind and Darlington MP Michael Fallon encouraged voters to support the party already committed to A1 improvements .
17 Floating voters tend to say things like ‘ Of course , being in carpets , what I 'm really looking for from the parties is a firm pledge on European weaving quotas , ’ and they tend to sound like Hurd and look like Gummer .
18 He has been a very high profile MP and the voters tend to like that sort of thing . ’
19 Despite strong condemnation of the National Government by the Left , there is little evidence that the voters regarded the Labour Party as a suitable alternative .
20 In the 1970s , Jeremy Thorpe played the hung parliament question simply and cleanly , urging voters to embrace it , confident in the knowledge that Liberal MPs ' votes would be a force for moderation and common sense , curbing the excesses of whichever major party formed a minority government .
21 According to Gallup , voters expected that , on twelve issues , a change of government would produce different outcomes only on those affecting trade union powers and nationalization .
22 What would British voters make of the STV , and what effect would it have on MPs ?
23 In contrast to the nationwide Observer/Harris poll of voters referred to earlier , 75 per cent of the Londoners questioned by Gallup on behalf of five London boroughs preferred curbs on cars and better public transport to more city roads .
24 Although his opposition certainly influenced many voters , on 13 October 1946 the French people voted to approve the constitution of the Fourth Republic by a narrow majority , with thirty-two per cent of voters abstaining .
25 Opinion polls show that , despite record unemployment , Australian voters remain concerned about the environment .
26 Where the British equivalents of Continental peasants ( crofters , lumbermen , isolated agriculturalists ) are gathered , there is a tendency for voters to deviate from overall patterns of class voting , a tendency in Scotland and Wales favoring the Liberals ( and , in 1983 , the SDP ) as well as the Nationalist parties .
27 Er I mean the er it 's er , course there are three orders that we are looking at tonight , it includes the er the third order er in relation not to boundaries but to the registration of overseas er voters to enable them to vote er in this , in this er election within U K constituencies and therefore that 's why the position that Mr David Robeddow as the chairman of Conservatives abroad er in Monte Carlo is relevant , er but also bec because of course the purpose of the European parliament for the first time as it will go through under these new boundaries , now is that they will be able to remedy some of that democratic deficit .
28 The strength of the economy has blunted the one issue that usually pushes voters to go to the polls .
29 Voters got fed up and threw Labour out .
30 Congress , if a few more voters got off their backsides last year and gone out and voted , and voted Labour , there 'd be no need for this motion at all because it 's Labour Party policy anyway .
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