Example sentences of "themselves blame " in BNC.

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1 Many victims , perhaps still recovering from their injuries , face silent menace from defendants and their supporters or find themselves blamed for their plight , even in the hospital emergency department .
2 The Conservatives , first under Margaret Thatcher and now under John Major , will have only themselves to blame .
3 The magic wears off , and Swift advises women that they have only themselves to blame for a husband 's loss of enthusiasm if they do not keep themselves clean :
4 Anyone who did not read Miss Post 's book before their first voyage had only themselves to blame for sartorial gaffes .
5 SINGLES sales are at their lowest ebb for 20 years , according to latest industry figures , but with the material record companies are turning out , they 've only got themselves to blame .
6 In one sense Christians have only themselves to blame .
7 If they were drunk and disorderly and so on , they only had themselves to blame .
8 ’ If they were drunk and disorderly and so on , they only had themselves to blame .
9 If they formulate detailed hypotheses and produce elaborate questionnaires or interview schedules without first carrying out informal interviews they may well go off in a completely fruitless direction and have only themselves to blame when they end up with several hundred completed forms , none of which have asked the right questions about the right key factors .
10 All in all , this is a valuable stage which researchers who do not accept criticism very easily will probably wish to avoid , but if they do consciously and deliberately avoid it , they have only themselves to blame for not taking advantage of a most useful and quite inexpensive step in schedule preparation .
11 IF charities are concerned because sales of their Christmas cards are down on previous years , they have only themselves to blame .
12 It is clear to me that as this only affects a small proportion of the membership and there are good strategic reasons for the larger firms to back the proposal ( eg the demise of the smaller practice ) , unless general practitioners take action now they will only have themselves to blame when their incomes fall and the value of their practices diminishes .
13 Never mind reverting to the back-foot no-ball law : bowlers , greedy for every millimetre , have plenty of ground upon which to plant the front foot , and have only themselves to blame for being no-balled .
14 In a way the Alsatians have only themselves to blame , or to congratulate , if their wines are considered reliable and excellent value for money ( hardly terms one could use about Burgundy , for instance ) .
15 If companies do n't ensure that they understand and are understood , they have only themselves to blame .
16 Marconi thus had a special importance because it provided an issue of corruption that could not be turned back by Liberals against the Unionists , and for this the Liberals had only themselves to blame .
17 In one sense , the Champenois have only themselves to blame .
18 The team have only themselves to blame .
19 Mind you , I felt a bit mean at being amused , but after all they had only themselves to blame .
20 Those who do n't ‘ have only themselves to blame ’ .
21 Recently , Lanham has argued for the retention of the exemption on the ground , inter alia , that many wives who are raped by their husbands have only themselves to blame .
22 This entire magazine is aimed at unlocking the mind-set that says : overpopulation is the Third World 's worst problem , that therefore the poor have only themselves to blame for their poverty , and that therefore the solution should always begin with a family planning programme .
23 If someone deliberately flouts the law in that manner , they only have themselves to blame for the consequences .
24 Ards have only themselves to blame ; Bustard 's 28th minute volley , which finished off Connell 's deep cross put them in command but the same player failed with two later chances and Connell 's rasping drive missed the target as well .
25 Those who fall for drunkards and drug addicts have only themselves to blame if it goes wrong which it nearly always does .
26 Would my right honourable friend not agree that because of their irresponsible behaviour in disrupting G C H Q's vital work in the early nineteen eighties the trade unions only have themselves to blame for this ban .
27 If Anglican vicars have left bat droppings to accumulate for so long that their ceilings are sagging , they have only themselves to blame .
28 SOUTHPORT were beaten 3-2 by Wrexham in an FA Cup replay at the Racecourse on November 7 , but only had themselves to blame .
29 Mind you , Swindon only had themselves to blame for not getting more goals .
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