Example sentences of "'d ever " in BNC.

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1 Not that he 'd ever for a moment think of … taking advantage , so to speak , of a young woman of loose morals like Mrs Heatherington-Scott . ’
2 ‘ If you 'd ever been there you 'd know why . ’
3 It was the flight path the one man she 'd ever been In Love with had taken her for the first time , after a late film at the Paris Pullman , Kensington to Hampstead at two a.m .
4 ‘ Alleluia ! ’ said Francis , and sparkled like a tinsel waterfall , got Jay laughing and wondering recklessly why she 'd ever bothered with the bloody woman .
5 This was a foreign land , peopled not only by my superiors , for that applied to everyone I 'd ever known , from the hole in Mother woman through which I was expelled to the hole in the Mother earth by which I 'd be swallowed ; but by those who were superior to my early superiors ; probably the most superior peoples in the entire world .
6 It is pure irony that after a climb involving some of the most sustained smooth rock that I 'd ever encountered , the finish involved a traverse of wire cable attached to a telepherique station , a swing down and across metal laddering and a hand-traverse of the spars which guide the telepherique into its housing .
7 After premiering in Amsterdam in 1987 , Cale dropped its piano and pedal steel parts — ‘ the cabaret aspect ’ — because , ‘ the Soviets played it better than I 'd ever imagined , with so much passion .
8 He said I was the healthiest ghost he 'd ever seen !
9 Nobody had told me what a cinema or a film was , and certainly nothing about the concept of an animated cartoon ; and I was taken into the largest enclosed space I 'd ever seen , into a crowd of strangers , put on a seat , and the lights went out .
10 It was an all-night show , the first I 'd ever been to .
11 ‘ Although , when I was going he did give me a sort of squeeze and said I 'd got the loveliest mouth he 'd ever seen . ’
12 ‘ He 'd tell me I was the nicest woman he 'd ever been with .
13 Sergeant Newton Barrios had investigated more than seven hundred traffic fatalities in the city of New Orleans , but this was the worst he 'd ever seen on the St Claude Avenue Bridge .
14 First to New York , which she thought was the ugliest , filthiest town she 'd ever seen , typified by their slouching , smoking mounted police .
15 Jane was squeezed beside the fattest black woman she 'd ever seen , shaking like a jelly with continual mirth .
16 Jane found Algox the hardest job to bear of any that she 'd ever had .
17 Eleanor felt they were the funniest letters she 'd ever written ; Nigel brought out the best in her writing .
18 Dot thought it was the loveliest book she 'd ever seen .
19 It was here that Tony gave me my ring and told me that my funghi marinati was the best he 'd ever had in spite of him getting an earful of it .
20 The only time SHe 'd ever felt this rough before was after hir last fight with Cab , when he 'd tried to kick hir spine out — from the front .
21 ‘ She was the most beautiful thing I 'd ever seen , ’ says Elliott reverently .
22 ‘ The man who drilled for the test said it was among the hardest block he 'd ever seen .
23 He thought it about the stupidest remark he 'd ever made — and so did she by the look on her face .
24 He thought that was about the stupidest statement he 'd ever made .
25 Emotion stronger than any she 'd ever previously experienced welled up within her , and overwhelmed her .
26 It was a kind of masterpiece , one of the cleverest , most complete , things she 'd ever done .
27 I do n't think he 'd ever seen a woman shop that fast ! ’
28 Evans 's news was better than he 'd ever hoped for .
29 It was the best round of golf for conditions like those I 'd ever seen , or have seen since .
30 He still shot a 68 , driving better than he 'd ever done before , using a club acquired from Eamonn Darcy only a month before .
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