Example sentences of "'d lost " in BNC.

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1 A regular in wellington boots plastered with cow dung ordered a pint , took off his overcoat and hung it up , unaware that he 'd lost his trousers somewhere en route .
2 Those who could n't read the words made them up , and Tich , who 'd lost his glasses , settled for singing ‘ Widecombe Fair ’ instead , coughing , spluttering and relishing his last night out .
3 His line was that he 'd lost contact with Malcolm because he could only stand to be with him for so long at a stretch .
4 So I kept telling Vivienne and Bernie that I 'd lost the keys to my locker .
5 He found that he could n't go out with the lads anymore , and he felt he 'd lost his happy-go-lucky side .
6 So when her son married and his wife had a baby girl she felt as if she 'd regained the daughter she 'd lost .
7 I asked him why he 'd lost his own teeth and he said the cause had been pyorrhea .
8 I was obsessed by new clothes to the extent that I 'd lost interest in something if it was more than a few hours old .
9 On the other hand , if I 'd lost I could have gone home quicky . ’
10 The drum disappeared beneath him and Marie thought he 'd lost it but as it shot to the surface Gazzer yelled : ‘ It 's pulling him free ! ’
11 Although he knew very well he 'd lost the battle , he still felt a need to justify .
12 I 'd lost all interest in the music .
13 One of them , recently relieved of a large Norwegian and still visibly tense , said she 'd lost interest in food and would settle for not having all the cup handles knocked off .
14 He said : ‘ The word from Manchester United fans was that we could do them a big favour , and we 've undoubtedly done them one , but I got the impression that our own fans would not have been too bothered if we 'd lost today . ’
15 He was still quite active for his age , but his mental deterioration was the problem — he 'd lost his sense of direction .
16 ‘ When he came out they said he 'd lost his mind so he went off to look for it and has n't been seen since . ’
17 And he 'd lost her .
18 ‘ I thought I 'd lost you there , ’ Bryce said , sitting on one of the stair treads .
19 I woke up having 5 minute contractions and thought I 'd lost ‘ my water ’ on the loo , without really being sure ( if only you could have a trial run — but then you might not go through with it if you did ! )
20 When she married she had to live in the country and , instead of bemoaning what she 'd lost in the way of concerts and the theatre , she enjoyed what was on offer .
21 I thought I 'd lost you !
22 O 's whole way of making love was strange ; he worked on your body until you could n't stand it , but it was impersonal somehow , as if he was digging inside you to find someone else , something else , something he 'd lost or wanted but could n't find words to ask you for .
23 Going down the second fairway he told me he 'd lost his yardage book and asked me what I thought his second shot was .
24 Suddenly he 'd lost the taste for it .
25 He said later that he 'd lost them .
26 ‘ I 'd lost my way , you see . ’
27 She 'd lost the squirrel but found — Kelpie !
28 Then you had to sit there and the sergeant would say , ‘ Fall in , ’ and you 'd fall into line , ‘ Section correct , sir , ’ and he might be another ten minutes before he decided to say , ‘ Dismiss ! ’ and by then you 'd lost an hour .
29 If I belonged anywhere , it was with these people , the lumpenbourgeoisie , in whose eyes I 'd lost caste , fatally and irrevocably .
30 She said she 'd lost the foetus .
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