Example sentences of "'d brought " in BNC.

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1 But she 'd let him have a slice of the cake she 'd brought in if he gave her and her friend fruit or ice cream — whatever he 'd bought .
2 Fiona telephoned during the afternoon to say that she 'd brought Harry home and he wanted to see me , so with a sigh but little reluctance I abandoned the empty page and walked down to the village .
3 Besides the map , I 'd brought along my faithful compass , and by its reckoning checked the boys ' direction all the time .
4 She had changed into the spare slacks and jersey he 'd brought from Golden Girl .
5 And a Liverpool painter 's son , who after his father died ‘ was brought up with me grandmother ’ , calling her ‘ mother ’ , chose not to return to his real mother when she remarried and could offer him a home again : ‘ They 'd brought me up , and it would n't be fair for them to take me after from rearing me . ’
6 And the only trouble was , she 'd brought her mother along as well .
7 Well , at least he 'd brought her home .
8 He did n't advise but just stood there , nodding his head vaguely and smiling to himself while his hands — almost involuntarily — went through the motions of twisting the spindle he 'd brought with him and winding on the wool .
9 It was pitch dark in the stable and , even with the burning sticks of jharo we 'd brought from upstairs , we could see nothing at first .
10 She 'd brought some desu , flat buckwheat bread that 's taken on journeys because it stays fresh for days , and some roasted amaranthus seeds in honey , wrapped in birch bark .
11 They bartered their grain for the salt he 'd brought back from the border , where he traded with Tibetans who 'd scraped it from the arid salt-lakes and carried it south on yaks across the windswept dust-blown plateau lands .
12 He said that the doctor seemed to think Sigarup would be all right — although his chances would have been better if they 'd brought him sooner .
13 Kalchu climbed on to the roof of the house , and with the flame he 'd brought from the shrine fire set light to the two piles of jharo .
14 He 'd brought home some hairs from the cross on the back of a donkey when she was cutting her teeth , and Ma had made a little black silk bag to put them in so they could hang round her neck to keep the funny turns away .
15 She was shouting after the Oye-Eboe who 'd brought gunpowder , beads and dried fish to trade for wood-ash salt and the perfumed woods and earth of his tribe .
16 Jess did n't add she 'd brought it on herself , being too liberal with the gin bottle after swilling strong beer with her food .
17 McGowan vanished with a couple they 'd brought home in the car .
18 Apparently he 'd brought the corpse in and then tried to claim commission on it .
19 Sometimes they 'd fuck right away , or sometimes they 'd wait till they were about to leave , but they 'd always do it on the sheet , the same sheet he 'd brought that first time , as if , without it , some spell might be broken and everything would fall apart .
20 ‘ Wish I 'd brought binoculars .
21 I had arranged myself ( while she arranged the flowers I 'd brought ) with my back nearly to the light .
22 He felt doubly glad he 'd brought his own children to live in Scotland where such a superior system of child care existed .
23 They 'd brought food with them , quite a lot of food .
24 I wrapped him in the big blanket we 'd brought as he was already shivering .
25 ‘ God , ’ her husband said , whenever she 'd brought him home before her father died , ‘ what a bloody awful climate … ’
26 He patted his clothes until he found the folded , crumpled map they 'd brought all the way from the Store .
27 But we had a few other cards up our sleeves we were waiting to play : we 'd brought two furry friends along with us .
28 He was confident he 'd brought her to the stage where he could lay her .
29 He flattered himself that he was in some small part responsible for such blissful bizarrities , given that over the years he 'd brought all manner of influences through from the Succulent Rock .
30 He worked on the buses when he arrived , showed me a canopy in front of a hotel that he 'd brought down on his first solo drive .
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