Example sentences of "about everyone " in BNC.

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1 Just about everyone hoped they would disappear without trace when that tide ebbed and frenetic buying and selling ground to a halt .
2 Anyone with a home proving difficult to sell — which means just about everyone — will be resigned by now to a peeling , semi-permanent board mated to the gatepost .
3 They seem proud that it 's offended just about everyone ; it enjoys the billing ‘ Tasteless — the Sun ’ in the association 's latest mailing .
4 In fact , it was about the time that David and I both auditioned for Hair and we were both turned down which I thought was quite funny because it seemed that just about everyone else in London got the part , but we were very much the kind of solo singers and perhaps the wrong type .
5 A big effort was made in the late 1980s to try to get just about everyone over 15 to read and write , using more than 20,000 volunteer teachers , 14,000 of them women .
6 In South Africa , you might think just about everyone owns a Rottweiler — especially if you read the small ads in the papers , where owners lament their loss and sign themselves ‘ Devastated Rotty Lover ’ .
7 Against them are ranged just about everyone else with a flavour of Unix — including IBM , which has AIX — in a group called the Open Software Foundation .
8 Such a government has authority over just about everyone in certain matters ( those where individuals have reason to pursue goals requiring social cooperation which is more difficult to achieve in other ways ) and various degrees of more extensive authority in varying measure over different people , either in virtue of other factors covered by the normal justification thesis or through voluntary submission by consent or respect .
9 This place has been occupied by just about everyone you could name over the centuries .
10 ‘ Yeah , ’ Wayne said , ‘ just about everyone must 've saw you this morning .
11 I wrote to just about everyone I knew , and then I found some great pen pals through a dog magazine .
12 These will affect just about everyone who flies — and will certainly affect the fees .
13 ‘ Just about everyone 's fit .
14 But just about everyone else thought he had brought it on himself .
15 He secretly helped just about everyone in the town . ’
16 I think just about everyone knows the Neon Tetra and it has hit the top of the polls regularly as people 's most favourite fish .
17 All I knew were prostitutes or pimps , and just about everyone had a criminal record .
18 ‘ I should think that just about everyone was having a go at everyone else by the time it ended .
19 Truck drivers hooted , children stared , and just about everyone laughed or waved .
20 They were midway through the first show and just about everyone was out on stage , giving ten minutes of comparative quiet before another storm of quick-changes and running repairs .
21 The feasting , fun and laughter continue well into the evening , by which time just about everyone is so full that they often prefer something lighter to eat !
22 According to Gordon Fenton , the Royal Bank 's Community Affairs Manager , the exhibitions have something for just about everyone .
23 Lets face it just about everyone who can kick a ball scored against him last year ! ! !
24 Loosing to Coventry and then Charlton in the space of a couple of weeks made just about everyone I knew suicidal — and all cause of Brendan Ormsby failing to kick the ball out into touch on his own dead ball line .
25 Man of the Match was Dave Tilson ( from Bohs ) who out ran Strachan and just about everyone else on the park .
26 ‘ We 've discussed what just about everyone wants , except you . ’
27 With a list ranging from vocational and leisure courses to adult basic education , there 's something for just about everyone .
28 AT St James Park on Saturday just about everyone seemed to be on a winner .
29 JOHN Smith is doing just about everyone a favour .
30 Good good erm just about everyone learns things practically
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