Example sentences of "trying to provide " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile behind him John Thorne was desperately trying to provide some company , for Spartan Missile was running on at a tremendous rate .
2 It is of course not easy and there are few ready-made answers for a church group trying to provide bereavement care for all those with whom they come in contact , some of whom will have family members who have committed suicide .
3 I , too , felt our meeting in Henry 's office was useful and I look forward to trying to provide you with a resource which you will find relevant .
4 If knowledge workers have problems providing usable information to executive decision makers , what hope for librarians and information scientists trying to provide a similar service ?
5 Business people are trying to provide these things which we want .
6 ‘ It 's been a matter of trying to provide the equipment to match the increase , ’ said Tom Salway , the company 's financial director .
7 We will go on trying to provide the best and I would just like to say ‘ thank you from myself and my wife Eliza to the vast majority of those with whom we have had contact .
8 It 's not trying to provide any answers . ’
9 In trying to provide some answers to these questions I shall demonstrate the ways in which anti-racist and anti-sexist policies frequently mirror each other in rhetoric and analysis .
10 Only a richer conception of what they are trying to provide will enable us to make a sensitive assessment of their achievements and potential .
11 But I mean we also , we , I mean we 're providing a service for them to allow them to come on off the street , use the bus , right , but at the same time were trying to provide services for them because one of the things that came out in a consultation was , young people did n't feel that there was enough information for them in the town .
12 Nevertheless the relationship between the money supply and price has received continued attention , with the monetarists trying to provide theoretical and empirical support for the argument that changes in the money supply cause fluctuations in money incomes and prices .
13 Bush 's White House spokesman explained his belief in ‘ trying to provide opportunities for them ( the Chinese ) to improve our relationship ’ .
14 They had their work cut out in simply trying to provide defences against the incursions of cattle raiders from the North Tyne valley , over Bewcastle Waste , or through that tract of the western fringe so unsure of its ownership that it was known as the Debatable Land ; and their own people were themselves frequently as unruly as their enemies .
15 So in the midst of all this apparent optimism we have independent community initiatives , run by people who live in the community , groups who are trying to provide work , wealth , education , advice and community support — groups which are under fierce attack for so doing !
16 In trying to provide answers to the questions why have social policies failed significantly to reduce social class inequalities , it is best to look at each of the three steps in the process separately — access , use and outcome .
17 But I think another Warning sticker might be appropriate here — to remind the reader that there are many dedicated women and men out there trying to provide poor people with the means to choose the size of their families .
18 It does this by altering the supply of Treasury bills on offer , at times when it is trying to reduce liquidity ; or by altering the amount of bills ( eligible commercial bills and local authority bills as well as Treasury bills ) it is prepared to buy , at times when it is trying to provide more liquidity .
19 Oxfam is working with the mining communities in San Pedro , the poorest part of the city , trying to provide basic facilities for a community where 27 per cent of the community have no access to fresh water .
20 They are trying to provide a mixed economy of welfare so frustratingly , paradoxically , we ca n't spend on our own services .
21 She added that her members were ‘ tired ’ paying for the government 's economic mistakes and trying to provide services under ‘ virtual siege conditions ’ .
22 To have been the driver of a lorry trying to provide desperately needed aid to besieged people .
23 In the meantime , the council is trying to provide a boat for the summer season , either by chartering a vessel , or juggling their fleet of inter-island ferries .
24 Which is what we 're trying to provide .
25 They lead a totally different life and we 're trying to provide a resource for people that do n't want that resource .
26 We do we have made a start in the County , in the way of trying to provide erm workplace nurseries for erm women employees in the County .
27 erm And , of course , that was a symbol of all the problems of money that the king had , and the ordinary citizens of Oxford had in trying to provide him with it , mostly very reluctantly and unwillingly .
28 Jordan is facing immense difficulties trying to provide food and shelter for the evacuees .
29 The bus industry as a whole was very conscious of the problem of pollution , and were trying to provide solutions as far as it could .
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