Example sentences of "would consist " in BNC.

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1 A test would consist of about 20 ‘ lines ’ , each of about 20 linked circles .
2 A test would consist of measuring how many examples could be done in 2 minutes .
3 Performed in Fartown 's Portakabin classroom , where 14-year-old Sam and his team are working , this would consist largely of the rhythmic hum of Kirklees education department 's antiquated wall-heaters and 13-year-old Nicola Bradford 's occasional sneeze .
4 Soon the whole species would consist only of parthenogenetic females .
5 A typical meal would consist of perhaps four dishes , and his favourite hot roast on a spit , brought directly to his platter from the kitchen .
6 A typical costume would consist of linen strips wrapped around his feet and calves ( stockings and similar wear had not yet been invented ) , high boots , a linen shirt and underwear , with a woollen overtunic and breeches .
7 A typical model would consist of fractional horse power electrical motor , wall mounted , delivering power via a flexible drive to which nylon or steel wire rotary brushes are attached .
8 The proposed community , to be established on the banks of the Susquehannah river in New England , would consist of twelve men and women , and would sustain itself by farming the land .
9 This would consist of a meeting of staff , preferably with a chairman not directly involved with the work of the team , in which staff members would be encouraged to contribute information concerning the patient and his circumstances which would enable a full picture of the events leading up to the suicide to be established .
10 The ‘ army of England ’ would consist of 20,000 infantry , brought together from Picardy and Artois as well as from the main camps in Normandy and Brittany , and another 12,000 men would be assembled around Dunkirk to divert British attention from the real threat .
11 Good evidence would consist of an incriminating statement taken from a prospective client or an offer to do ‘ business ’ with a plain-clothed policeman .
12 Having completed our ‘ good for us ’ walk , we settled down by one of the two huge log fires with our paperbacks in the happy anticipation that tea would arrive promptly at four and would consist of improbably thinly cut home-made bread and butter and other bakings , whose smell had been pervading the lounge for some time with forecasts of gratifications to come .
13 A more complex system would consist of all this plus fluorescent lighting , internal filter — either electrical or air-powered , and living plants .
14 As Robert Sklar has suggested the music-halls and vaudeville were essentially down-town or city-centre entertainments and would therefore be attracting typical down-town audiences , which would consist of an alliance of regulars , casuals , workers , clerks , parvenus , and Bohemians .
15 At the most basic level , an ‘ effect ’ would consist of an individual 's changed ‘ relationship with at least one other individual ’ .
16 The first aim of the NVALA was to establish a Viewers ' and Listeners ' Council which would consist of elected representatives of the ‘ churches , women 's organisations , magistrates , doctors , educationalists , parents , youth , social workers , police , political parties , local government and writers ’ .
17 The religion would consist in the deification of a human person .
18 Since there was no meat left now , the ration from now on until the supplies were exhausted would consist of one handful of either rice or dal and one of flour per person , the men being given a more generous helping than the women and children .
19 We do n't pretend in any way to professionally train students [ but ] they are expected to understand something of what professional training would consist of … .
20 The Music Box system , as it was called , would consist of four central computer terminals , located in different parts of the country , on which would be stored every single and album ever released in Britain .
21 The court , he said ( inaccurately ) , would be ‘ something new in British justice ’ and would consist of judges and laymen sitting together .
22 The country would consist of a network of multicentre prevention trials funded by the NHS .
23 The grid is really a set of guides which help you to produce a consistent document and in traditional printing would consist of sheets of heavy paper pre-printed with a pattern of blue lines .
24 This would consist of a group of employees each of whom would be given the responsibility of monitoring the evacuation of a designated part of the building , checking that all rooms , toilets , cloakrooms , etc. in that area were clear of personnel and then reporting to the ‘ Senior Fire Steward ’ at a pre-determined reporting position outside the premises .
25 These units would consist of three specially trained officers , driving around in Rover 827s , with each unit armed with two self-loading carbines and three handguns .
26 For the next five weeks , our world would consist of these cliffs , the tundra below and the seashore , an area that took us about five hours to walk around .
27 These would consist of the twenty-nine English polytechnics , about thirty other local authority colleges , and twenty-nine or so voluntary and direct grant colleges funded directly by the DES .
28 This would consist of day release throughout one academic year together with a four-week period of block release and should become a requirement before 1981 , if possible .
29 Category A , carrying a maximum penalty of life imprisonment , would consist of sexual assaults involving penetration ( as defined in New South Wales ) and accompanied by the infliction of grievous bodily harm upon the complainant or a third party .
30 The second cycle would consist of a year 's professional studies followed by a year as a ‘ licensed ’ teacher ( replacing the existing probationary year ) , after which students would be awarded a BA ( Ed ) .
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