Example sentences of "their backs " in BNC.

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1 Harry says that a drop of methylated spirit dotted onto their backs from a camel hair brush caused them to turn pink and expire immediately .
2 Curiously enough , these charming blooms turn to face and follow the sun as it progresses across the sky , a phenomenon you will find frustrating if you have planted it in a north-facing border , since they will invariably turn their backs on you .
3 The hills themselves looked asleep , the heather glowed dust-blue in the hazy light , and the people , after a night of little sleep and hours of walking and standing , now looked stunned as they sat on the grassy banks , leaned on dykes , or lay on their backs in the hayfields , munching oatcakes and drinking the last of their water .
4 Blenching at the last few miles , shivering as sweat and dew ran down their backs , they turned into Donald Gillies 's yard at Camserney sawmill .
5 Several people wearing masks connected by tubes to cylinders strapped to their backs pulled levers and inspected moving parts of the machine .
6 The creatures died on their backs in viscous green pools .
7 Another old rule decreed that dancers never turned their backs on the audience , because all had to face the king , the centre of attention .
8 Making an extraordinary number of handling errors and under-using the speed in their backs , Widnes were scarcely in the hunt .
9 The new appointments demonstrate a commitment by the Saatchi brothers to restore the company 's fortunes and suggest they are a long way from turning their backs on the business they built .
10 Big City brokers turn their backs on small investors : Martin Baker reports on where private investors can go for advice and dealing services as shares falter
11 The field Taff was referring to certainly had animals in it , but they were all lying on their backs , their legs in the air , dead for at least three or four days .
12 The Trog said , leading the way over to where the mortar team were sitting with their backs to the wall , having something to eat .
13 They had a band and a guard of honour outside the station , their backs to a row of railwaymen 's cottages .
14 On late Saturday afternoons , at the corner the kerb is covered with men who stand with their backs to the light , intently reading in a pink newspaper full of poetical reporting and results ‘ noted an observer of Glasgow in 1901 .
15 The columns which they carry on their backs have more fluting than a respectable column would accept and the Corinthian capitals have swirls and squiggles that would have been prohibited in Corinth .
16 If anything their backs were worse , sometimes dropping the ball , at others slinging passes into eager Cambridge hands .
17 Even though he exhibited less humour than Ibsen on a bad night , the frantic phone calls just mentioned — by the conquering Germans from Oslo to Berlin trying to get the importunate Foerer off their backs — offer clear elements of farce .
18 Nor could they turn their backs on the housing needs of the people already living in the county .
19 They all had their hands tied behind their backs and one prisoner was in his underwear .
20 More prisoners of war sat in a car park under guard , their legs crossed and their hands tied behind their backs .
21 ‘ I saw state policemen drag strikers across the road and make them kneel in the ditch there while they held shotguns in their backs .
22 There is also evidence that not only gods and mythical figures were associated with dolphins and mounted their backs , but children apparently rode wild dolphins in just about every bay , harbour , and inlet of the ancient Mediterranean , and dolphins often befriended sailors and rescued people from the sea , carrying them safely to land .
23 People still turned their backs .
24 When Jane asked for an overdraft , the bank manager ( slogan : ‘ We Like to Say ‘ Yes ’ ’ ) , a pompous Dad 's Army look-alike , after conferring with some nasty men in suits who turned their backs to her , had shown her the door .
25 He was slightly anti-semitic , so he called the girls , who were from an exclusive private school , ‘ little Jewish princesses ’ behind their backs .
26 He 'd used it about a lot of his friends behind their backs , particularly if they were homosexuals or had other sexual tastes he considered unusual .
27 Now that they knew he would be leaving , the literary confraternity had already started to turn their backs on him , and had begun to scan the possible replacements in the current British intellectual mafia .
28 ‘ … upon their backs to bite 'em ’ : Hazards of locating the collections
29 Once again they turned their backs on the God who had brought them out of Egypt , and threw themselves into the arms of another .
30 ‘ People may think there 's something sardonic about Leeds United fans walking round with words like ‘ peace ’ and ‘ love ’ on their backs , ’ says T-shirt designer Moose , ‘ It might not solve football 's hooligan problem , but at least they look a lot better than wax-coats and ski-hats .
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