Example sentences of "but yer " in BNC.

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1 But yer 'old out yer bloody 'and when the money comes in , do n't yer ? ’
2 ‘ Now look , mate , I fink it 's a great idea , but yer got ta face facts , ’ he said kindly .
3 I was dead pleased when she told me but yer see , pal , yer 'll 'ave ter 'ave anuvver fink .
4 The idea 's a good one but yer ca n't 'ave that place , that 's fer sure . ’
5 ‘ George Galloway ‘ urt us all , Mum , but yer got ta try an' put 'im out o' yer mind , ’ Carrie replied , reaching out and squeezing her mother 's hand in hers .
6 But yer said there was two more of yer in the back , ’ the policeman persisted .
7 ‘ I would n't 'ave troubled ter go after the job in the first place , Danny , ’ he was saying , ‘ but yer know she worries .
8 ‘ There ai n't nothing wrong wi ’ crying , sweetheart , but yer must always share yer troubles wi' them as love yer .
9 But yer can 'it 'em , ’ argued the Old Stager .
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