Example sentences of "term [prep] the " in BNC.

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31 Turkoman term for the twin flank trappings used to adorn wedding camels .
32 Greg son ( 1987 : 5 ) asks ‘ whether locality can be approached as an object of study in its own right or whether it is simply another term for the case study method ? ’
33 In English , there is even a term for the surrender of truth to politeness : ‘ a white lie ’ .
34 He pleaded for mufakat , an Islamic term for the gotong-royong he had long advocated : consensus , harmony , unity .
35 Starters : Not the first course of your evening meal , but an overused term for the various proprietary seeding compounds — which may contain bacteria , or enzymes ; and sometimes the chlorine/chloramine/and other nasties removing water conditioners .
36 The term continues until determined as if both parties made a new agreement at the end of each year for a new term for the ensuing year .
37 To run amok , for instance , comes from amok , the island term for the " killing madness " , or a frenzied thirst for blood .
38 But , as page printers do n't all use laser technology we 'll stick with the proper term for the duration of this article .
39 a generic term for the distribution of information which is stored , transmitted and reproduced electronically .
40 a typesetting term for the em space .
41 Outwith the three constrictions at Sluggan Bridge , Carrbridge and Dulnain Bridge , the river cuts an ever-changing channel in a broad boulder bed , scouring out a series of deeper fast-flowing pools joined together by racks , which is a local Dulnain fishing term for the shallow , jumbled , bouldery flow between two pools .
42 ( The use of the term for the spectrum of relaxation times follows conventional practice .
43 But the term " Tithonian " , though not quite so lacking in respectability as the " Urgonian " , is usually reserved for the carbonate facies of alpine Europe , and is still disputing with the " Volgian " the honour of being the accepted international term for the topmost stage of the Jurassic .
44 The semantic aspect is what we would otherwise call its content , and the verbal aspect is Todorov 's term for the language in which the stories are told .
45 They are simply derived from the term for the rotational energy .
46 The Law society is seeking a ten year term for the contract , with some crucial provisions entrenched so that they can not be altered for the duration of the contract , except with the Society 's agreement .
47 We decided to use the term ‘ proliferation index ’ to describe the results of the PCNA assay because the antibody to PCNA does not label only S phase cells ; we use the same term for the results of the BrdU assay , although the term ‘ labelling index ’ is frequently used by other groups .
48 " Assault " is used in two different senses : first as a generic term for the separate offences of assault and battery ( this usage occurs in s.47 , OAPA : see below ) ; and secondly as a term denoting the crime of assault .
49 In the area of vital records , standard operations backup provisions may be perfectly adequate in the short term for the content of electronic records themselves .
50 A department-wide graduate seminar is held during each Michaelmas and Hilary Term for the benefit of research students .
51 A properly drafted lease will ensure that the lessor can not object to such formal assignment and will expressly provide that the named lessees hold the term for the partnership .
52 Such a course of conduct may also be taken into account in assessing the reasonableness of the term for the purposes of the UCTA 1977 .
53 Now there 's a word I 'm going to use right now which is a technical term in a way and that is is er the technical term for the study of language and how we speak the word what we say and how we say it .
54 LOCKJAW is actually another term for the extremely serious condition of Tetanus , and so I think what you are describing is recurrent dislocation of the tempero-mandibular joints , which link the jaw to the skull .
55 It should be clear from Fig. 1 that the constant a is the intercept term for the consumption line ( that is , the point where the consumption line cuts the vertical axis ) and is equal to 10 in the example .
56 Yes , can I bring this argument a bit closer to home and talk about the sexual division of labour within the family , which I think is one of the underlying causes of discrimination against women , and that 's really just a fancy term for the fact that when we talk about child care women do most of the work and men do very little , and really I do n't think we can look at the position of women without looking at how , in fact , child care and caring is organized within the family .
57 The term of the grant is sixteen years , but where it appears that a patentee has been insufficiently remunerated , the Court may extend the term for a period not exceeding five , or , in an exceptional case , ten years .
58 It was also suggested that some sort of ‘ Irish dimension ’ ( to borrow the term of the 1980s ) be institutionalized by the creation of a Council of Ireland made up of representatives of the Westminster and Dublin parliaments and members from the to-be-created Stormont ‘ Assembly ’ .
59 And if you 're thinking of doing several improvement projects in your home , NatWest can arrange one loan to cover all of them and monthly repayments will be fixed throughout the term of the loan so you 'll always be able to budget for the cost .
60 Monthly repayments are fixed throughout the term of the loan so there is no need to worry about a change in interest rates !
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