Example sentences of "important but [art] " in BNC.

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1 The voice and movement work is very important but the professional requirements have changed , particularly in respect of film and television and there should be more training in this area .
2 This covers all types of mental handicap , including mild cases where social and environmental factors are known to be important but the exact nature of the problem is less well known .
3 This is n't important but the similarities in the aesthetic natures of the two bands remains blatantly obvious .
4 Details relating to the job and employment are important but the first interview is not the place to cover them in detail .
5 I mean people are a bit narrow in this respect you know they do n't like people to talk about it too openly — but I do because I think it 's important but the trouble is that — erm — that 's not really systematic in the sense that I do it but how many other people do it you see .
6 Two were particularly important but the first of these was not his to organize .
7 ‘ The answer is important but the way you get to it is more important , ’ he commented .
8 Fifteen-a-sides , rightly in my view , will always be more important but the fact that sevens could be used to improve handling skills — which , pity on us , lie dormant for most of the domestic league programme — is unequivocal on the evidence of here and Canberra last week .
9 Higher value-added products will doubtless become more important but the business will also move closer to the consumer .
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