Example sentences of "important for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 However , as pilots become more confident about their landings , it is very important for them to develop the skills needed to co-ordinate the stick and airbrake during the final hold off , so that an even more accurate touch down can be made .
2 Pretending to be worried about the painters and the incriminating evidence against them — ‘ It 's very , very important for them ! ’ — Porfiry asks Raskolnikov if he has any recollection of passing an open door on the lower landing and seeing two men at work inside .
3 This view of kinship as an opposite to capitalist relations of production explains the vivid interest with which Marx and Engels examined the work of such anthropologists as Bachofen , McLennan , and Maine , who were all concerned with this topic ; but above all it explains once again why Morgan should have been so important for them , since he above all was the expert on kinship .
4 More important for them is the other alternative which can follow the first primitive stage : feudalism .
5 ‘ Where children are given responsibility they are placed in situations where it becomes important for them to communicate — to discuss , to negotiate , to converse — with their fellows , with the staff , with other adults .
6 So one reason why many women are less easily aroused in the morning may well be because social factors are more important for them than they are for men .
7 There seems to be a very uneven development of user education programmes across the country at the moment , hence a need not only to prevent libraries from ‘ reinventing the wheel ’ in this area , but more important for them to be able to obtain advice on the ‘ best ’ available tried and tested programmes and methodologies .
8 Thus , it is clear that the system is not going to get easier for advisers , and it is going to be increasingly important for them to have more than a passing understanding and experience of it .
9 Why is it so important for them to say such things ?
10 Today children are meeting and playing with children of other faiths so it is important for them to have some understanding and knowledge of each other 's traditions .
11 It is equally important for them to read and hear and speak the great literature of the past .
12 Some water shrews feed on relatively large fish or newts , so it is important for them to immobilise their prey rapidly .
13 Since the 1981 Education Act requires that the wishes of the parents are fully taken into account when school placement is determined , it will be important for them to have access to consultation and discussion with a professional who is well informed about both the educational needs of visually handicapped children and the schools and support services available .
14 It is more important for them to defer their childbearing and to compress it into a short space of time in their married life .
15 Thus it is important for them that commitments to work , once they are given , are honoured .
16 It is more important for them to see all round so they can spot hunting animals in plenty of time to run away .
17 But it 's important that they get abroad and see these because they also imbibe a lot of feeling from just walking around these places and seeing what the ladies are wearing so it 's very important for them to go to those places .
18 It is therefore important for them to be able to verify addresses quickly .
19 Whether that will upset the balance at all because Lewis was a very important for them he kept stepping in when they wanted to change play .
20 The Ring does not boast as many members as the Society by maybe that is not so important for them as they are not in receipt of grant aid .
21 Many more middle-class than working-class girls fell into this group , which was thought to explain why PMP seemed less important for them .
22 Producing elisions is something which foreign learners do not need to learn to do , but it is important for them to be aware that when native speakers of English talk to each other , quite a number of phonemes that the foreigner might expect to hear are not actually pronounced .
23 But , you know , there may be many other reasons why it is important for him to get to the top so quickly .
24 It was also important for him because he believed that matriliny , the reckoning of group membership in terms of who one 's mother was , was associated with a high status for women .
25 Since he did not have the physical strength of most of the others , this was important for him and must have contributed a lot to his effectiveness .
26 His legs were beginning to get twitchy and fidgety , the way they always did when it was particularly important for him to keep them under control .
27 If you already know that your child has HIV , it will be important for him or her to be seen regularly by a doctor who understands HIV in children and for the doctor to be kept informed about any changes in your child 's condition .
28 Froissart suggests that Edward intervened in Brittany merely to distract Philip , and there may be something in this ; but it was also important for him to protect the sea route from England to Aquitaine around the Finistère peninsula , and above all the allegiance of the Duke of Brittany would be a great prize in Edward 's campaign to undermine Philip VI 's authority in France .
29 Rossmayne was n't sure why it was so important for him to stay on Dartmoor as long as possible , but it was .
30 He was n't actually sure why it was important for him to discover the facts .
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