Example sentences of "run into a " in BNC.

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1 Yet here again we run into a piece of Euro-nonsense .
2 ‘ We run into a problem with this market , however , ’ says John Petersen .
3 We expect to raise many thousands of pounds and are hoping it will run into a second edition and provide the ACA with money well into the future . ’
4 I did not run into a lot of people who told me that they had been unexpectedly impressed by Mr Kinnock or unimpressed by Mr Major .
5 In The Money could run into a place .
6 She finally convinced him by trying to run into a throw , inevitably falling over and spraining her ankle .
7 You get to run into a better class of person there . ’
8 When it had been screened you 'd got to be in there and the malted barley would come out of a big hole just big enough to get a comb-sack through ; and it used to run into a big heap ; and you 'd got to be inside there a-throwing on it back so it did n't bung up the hole .
9 Art exhibitions are too familiar ; we are sure to run into a person we know — Slow Bill , angular Adam , a friend of a friend or somebody 's ex .
10 Twenty four hours later , though , he had the misfortune to run into a rampant Eugene McKenna and Ulster duly won the Railway Cup .
11 And the waste from bath and basin are taken into a hopper head which connects to a drainpipe running into a gully ( often the same gully as the kitchen sink ) .
12 To a fevered imagination , it seems no one can turn a corner in the crowded conference complex without running into a mug shot of one or other high-theoretician leering pensively from a wall of hardback dust covers .
13 John Read , the chairman , said that Profit Freight Systems , the company 's 59 per cent owned US arm , lost £1.5m after running into a price battle with a competitor .
14 Although most of them were escaping from conventional regimental discipline , they did n't fully appreciate that they were running into a much more exacting type of discipline .
15 Basically , the standard Trace Elliot GP7 preamp , running into a transistor power amp , feeds its 80 watt output into a single 10″ speaker .
16 EVERY time rejuvenated Tottenham enter Blackburn Rovers ' penalty area today , they will be running into a Booby-trap .
17 It was like running into a thunderstorm .
18 However , sources say SCO finds doing business with USL is ‘ like running into a brick wall . ’
20 Constanza has added a scribble , ‘ We 've been running into a rather nasty situation .
21 It helps to a get a ship through crowded places like solar systems without running into a planet .
22 Round she went , mouth slightly parted , eyes seeing who knew what in that circle of lights running into a liquid line as the machine quickened ; in the faces , all one blur below her as she was swung out to them and back away from them again ; in the dark caverns of leaves away above in the trees which seemed so distant , so other , lit in strange patches by the wandering spotlights , strange shadows feeling their way over branches as the lighted islands in the gathering dark turned and twirled , swayed , shuddered , slowed and came to rest .
23 Phena thinks recent developments entitle her to a newer , bigger house , which she expects me to pay for , with pleasure , despite the fact that the wedding is already running into a fortune .
24 A steady trickle of bait running into a swim will attract and keep fish feeding in one place .
25 Then he remembered running into a ladder , + something falling .
26 ‘ Is The Pussy Still Good ’ recounts the familiar story of running into an old boyfriend who was a prick , but you still want to fuck him cause the sex was so great .
27 The wort is then run into a copper where it is boiled for an hour or more with hops .
28 For long-term picketing out , the main wheel can be run into a hollow or trench in the ground to reduce the wing incidence and to lower the wings still further .
29 Perhaps he had run into a pensioners ' outing .
30 Barclays has run into a sequence of big borrowers who can not service their debts on time and can not sell their assets to repay the debts .
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