Example sentences of "month ['s] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was a dress rehearsal for next months 's play offs .
2 The 1931 treaty is automatically prolonged from year to year and each party has the right to terminate it after six months ' notification .
3 farms with more than 20 head of cattle must have access to stores for slurry and effluent with at least six months ' capacity .
4 Her son had made 10 months ' progress in a year , against his usual six months before he started at Lady Jane Grey .
5 This is in accordance with the Council 's long standing policy to maintain reserves broadly equivalent to three months ' core activity expenditure .
6 This is in accordance with the Council 's long standing policy to maintain reserves broadly equivalent to three months ' core activity expenditure .
7 Kenneth Baker , once more , who refused to resign after two armed IRA prisoners escaped from Brixton prison , even though the police had given the prison authorities five months ' warning .
8 ‘ By the time my sheep are lambing , ’ Small says , ‘ the foxes are probably glad of a change of diet : it 's 11 months ' pork from the pig unit next door , then one month 's lamb . ’
9 President Mitterrand 's government ( which has still to finalise its IT plans after more than 18 months ' deliberation ) will , so it says , build on French strengths and remedy the weaknesses .
10 Erm well I 'm in the scheme , the company pension scheme and I think they give er I think it 's six months ' full pay and six months ' half pay .
11 Six months ' building work would be supervised by the seven nuns and funding came from worldwide donations .
12 Ranged with his mother , his sisters , he was cowed ; he felt , not just some months ' Tommaso 's junior , but a child again , like his little brother Franco , also quiet and busy with his food , as if he had not yet made that transition from the mother 's arms to the father 's side that should duly occur at thirteen .
13 Here Yakovlev met him surrounded by packed shelves and metals acquired with two months ' credit from the Tartar Republic .
14 I had a young fellow come up to me one day — he had eighteen months ' service .
15 As we have seen in Chapter I , most employment law rights are available only to people having a minimum of four weeks ' service , whilst protection against unfair dismissal for other than trade union activities , even with the law at its most liberal , required six months ' service .
16 During her 13 months ' service she escorted more than 700 ships across the world 's beleaguered oceans , without loss of a single one .
17 Already , after a few months ' acquaintance , he complained to Harry of ‘ this hideous analysis which so masters me ’ and he tried to express Helen 's profound effect upon him : ‘ I always wonder when I look at her or think of her .
18 If by any chance you DID manage to miss out on last months ' issue , fear not !
19 When war broke out he had to endure four months ' internment as an enemy alien .
20 It took us all day to get the months ' accumulation of gooey duck muck and seagull poo off the airframe , and despite getting soaked lying in cold puddles of grimy water under the floats we never did remove all the khaki slime from their bottoms .
21 Organisers failing to give notice or not complying with conditions risk arrest , conviction , possible 3 months ' sentence or , 400 fine .
22 She had n't wanted to take the four months ' pay from Nicolo , but he 'd been coldly adamant .
23 Three months ' trip to the United States and Canada …
24 Three months ' trip to the United States and Canada …
25 But top London store John Lewis finally lost patience after the company doctor said he needed another five months ' rest .
26 There was a certain irony in the fact that one of the first things Baldwin told the King , on taking over from the decrepit MacDonald , was that he himself needed two months ' rest .
27 At the beginning of August he left for a two and a half months ' rest at sequestered Welsh and English houses .
28 The camp guards had allowed the baby six months ' life and then , when Elisabeth was selected for the officers ' brothel and her breasts required for purposes other than those of nourishing a Jewish infant , a non-commissioned officer , having polished his boots , drawn up the mess accounts , written an affectionate note to his wife and son and relieved his bladder , took Elisabeth Danziger 's baby from her arms and dashed out its brains against the stone wall outside his office .
29 It also means that the real value of the redemption payment will vary according to the rate of inflation during the last eight months ' life of a bond and so calculations of real yields to redemption can only be made on the basis of assumed rates of inflation .
30 It would also leave India with no budgetary provision ( a continuing resolution , to allow four months ' expenditure after the current financial year end on March 31 , had been introduced on March 4 after the Congress ( I ) had in late February denied Shekhar 's government its backing for a full budget bill — ibid . ) .
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