Example sentences of "month [subord] she " in BNC.

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1 Now 45 , Marian decided to remain unemployed for six months so she could see how she felt about work , to settle her daughters and adjust to her new house .
2 IRISH singer Enya refused to step out of her house for two months because she was depressed — about her hair .
3 She had not altered overmuch in the twelve months since she was covering cars with eggs and flour and ringing doorbells with her giggling friends .
4 Donna guessed that it was more than two months since she had been to the cottage .
5 The months since she 'd left her father 's house had been tough in a number of ways ; she 'd known loneliness a lot of the time , solitude hardly at all .
6 It is five months since she flew to America for a lifesaving bowel and liver transplant .
7 Twelve months after she topped the amateur charts , when winning the British , French and Italian Amateur Championships , France 's Valerie Michaud left the professionals in her wake by triumphing in the Holiday Inn Leiden Open , at Rijswijk in Holland .
8 ( They would marry two years later , some months after she had given birth to twin boys .
9 Eight months after she returned to her home in Langley Vale , near Ep som , Surrey , the dream was shattered .
10 A FALKLANDS veteran was charged with murdering his wife yesterday — three months after she was found hanged .
11 But behind closed doors , only months after she charmed New York , she was allegedly pouring out a mixture of misery and banal chat on the phone to a male admirer .
12 The family has poignant pictures of Sophie with the toy , and six months after she died decided to include a teddy carved into a headstone .
13 Hazel heard she ‘ d been chosen for the Scheme in early March — several months after she had submitted her application .
14 Aung San Suu Kyi 's expulsion from the NLD , some two months after she had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize , was the latest attempt by the ruling junta , the State Law and Order Restoration Council ( SLORC ) , to undermine her position as the main symbol of opposition to military rule .
15 But to start with , four months after she and Sebastian had decided to move to London , they moved into their new flat .
16 Horse Watch helped in the remarkable recovery of a National Hunt winner , returned to her Chester-le-Street owner last week , 14 months after she was stolen .
17 Mr Helmsley did not say how long he planned to keep his buildings in mourning , but his wife is expected to be in jail for at least 19 months before she is eligible for parole .
18 It was only a matter of months before she was forced to withdraw even with the support of Alfonso ( who now that the Cid was dead finally recognized the worth of his finest knight ) .
19 I had been seeing Jessica for twelve months before she admitted to herself that her lover would never come back .
20 Her will included legacies of twenty pounds each to her Frome cousins , Mary and Sarah , the daughters of her uncle John Titford ; she was not to know that Mary would die just two months before she did , though Sarah , as we shall see , survived for another five years , long enough to bless the generosity of her Surrey cousin .
21 But there was nothing that I or anyone else could do about it ; she , and we , had to wait another six months before she was finally gathered .
22 Rodi 's second husband Gordon , 64 , died two months before she picked up the cheque from Bergerac star John Nettles .
23 It was three months before she and her baby could fly home .
24 It was three months before she and her baby could fly home .
25 The 20-year-old trooper was shot dead in a Belfast riot six months before she was born .
26 The last time was for the three months before she encountered Jarvis in Fawley Road .
27 He also advised her that there would be a delay of some months before she was admitted and strongly advised her to reduce her weight by 10 kg and to try hard to stop smoking prior to admission .
28 It 'll be a good three months before she shows , and , with skilful dressing , she could go on a lot longer . ’
29 The question is , as you rightly say , in psychoanalysis , the analyst usually has a vast amount much more than people normally realize , I mean , I recall from my own analysis , and mean I was going between two and four times a week erm , for an hour each time and it was a good six months before she would make any interpretations , and I used to get very frustrated , you know , I used to say things like , well , what do you think of this , Miss , you know .
30 I knew her for months before she admitted , in a low voice , what her job was — as if she were some sort of traitor to society .
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