Example sentences of "claim to [noun] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Midshipman Callender 's friends no doubt were aware that efficiency united to interest was the strongest claim to promotion in the navy , and Lord Keith 's correspondence abounds in references to interest being a motive in bringing a man forward in the service : ‘ I have made McKenzie a lieutenant into the Rattlesnake ; he was a friend of Mr. Dunsmuress and recommended by Lord Elphinstone to me , so I am glad to have served him ’ , a comment which suggests that the admiral was influenced by something more than Mr. McKenzie 's personal abilities .
2 Less than a week after achieving full independence on June 19 [ see p. 18159 ] , Kuwait was threatened by a claim to sovereignty over the whole of its territory by the Iraqi leader , Gen. Abdul Karim Kassem .
3 When Argentina recognises the right to self-determination and freedom of association of the Falklands people , and gives up her claim to sovereignty over the territory , we might be more amenable to trade and contact .
4 However , he confirmed that Argentina 's claim to sovereignty over the Falklands , set to one side during the negotiations , would continue to be pursued in international forums .
5 Such terms are often found to be more-or-less transferable from one problem to another , and so have some claim to significance beyond the level of the particular problem in which they were derived .
6 As of mid-September , four men laid claim to leadership of the country — Taylor , Johnson , Nimley and Amos Sawyer .
7 This effectively restricted their use to the wealthy and to those whose claim to assistance under the ban was incontrovertible .
8 ( 1 ) Is the ex turpi causa defence available as an answer to a claim to contribution under the Act of 1978 ?
9 However I would say that , on a strike out application , I would find it difficult to hold with certainty that the ex turpi causa defence , assuming it to be available , would exclude a claim to contribution under the Act of 1978 unless I were also satisfied , with the same degree of certainty , that there must be exemption from contribution under section 2(2) .
10 So far he had been able to maintain a claim to even-handedness on the grounds that he treated both sides , Moslems and Copt , with equal severity .
11 It concerned Canterbury 's claim to primacy over the whole of the British Isles .
12 Several years passed before the claim to authority over the archbishop of York was put to the test .
13 The LTA 's principal claim to fame at the end of 1992 will be the same as it is now — the richest tennis organisation in the world .
14 It would seem to commemorate a humble farmer and his wife , truly two of Thomas Gray 's flowers ‘ born to blush unseen ’ , but that is far from correct for Barbra Gilmor is a character in the story of Ayrshire 's heritage , a woman with a unique claim to fame in the annals of the county .
15 Another claim to fame by the village is that it is the birthplace of authoress Winifred Holtby , who sadly died in 1935 at the age of 37 and is buried in the churchyard here .
16 The military regime in Iraq laid claim to Kuwait on the grounds that it used to be part of the Ottoman province of Basra .
17 As the cast list expanded through royal marriages and the creation of a brood of ‘ nearly royals ’ — frivolous young men and women staking a claim to attention in the gossip columns simply because another member of the family had a genuine connection with the Windsors — the roles could be constantly juggled to satisfy an appetite which had been primed by the Palace itself .
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