Example sentences of "opened [pos pn] [noun pl] [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I opened my eyes eventually and took the compass out of my jeans pocket , where I 'd stowed it to have hands free for standing up .
2 Mrs Stych opened her eyes slowly and looked at him as if he had gone mad .
3 Julia opened her eyes again and saw Comfort looking around her as though she expected to see men in white coats with a stretcher appearing through the walls .
4 She opened her eyes again and saw , hazily at first , Oliver .
5 She opened her lips obediently and remained perfectly still .
6 He opened his eyes again and saw a vision of the land of milk and honey to which he and a small band of pioneers led by their Rabbi had for so long planned to emigrate .
7 Arty opened his eyes slowly and inclined his head towards a notice on the door — a notice he had put there himself .
8 Ragged Dick opened his eyes slowly and stared stupidly in the face of the speaker , but did not offer to get up .
9 Endill opened his eyes slowly and found he was standing in a little room made entirely of books .
10 He opened his eyes slowly and yawned , stretching his satiated body between the warm sheets with the lazy sensuousness of a cat .
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