Example sentences of "quarter of a [noun sg] or [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although this potential does exist , actual examples of abuse of parent power through PTAs in the quarter of a century or so since the publication of the report are few and far between .
2 A thought first for those who have decided to retire , many after a quarter of a century or more as members .
3 State enterprises have to reconcile the needs of long-term planning horizons of a quarter of a century or more , especially in highly capital intensive sectors such as railways , telecommunications or energy , with short-term political pressures ( Harris and Davies 1979 : 50 ; 1981 ) .
4 But when I was there there were once one instant is er er the man on watch in the morning he spotted a floating mine come in right down to close to the rock and er er it anchored just about er er a quarter of a mile or maybe two hundred yards off the rock off the tower and er of well when a mine anchors of course it becomes er alive .
5 One crooked little shadow , flickering across stones and scrubland , made rapid progress for a quarter of a mile or so .
6 ‘ Just up the valley a quarter of a mile or so . ’
7 As you can see , it runs flat and fairly straight along the crest of the hill until it dips down suddenly , in a quarter of a mile or so , towards the valley floor .
8 As I look back to my inner training in prayer , I see an early stage when it consisted of asking God 's blessing on myself and those I loved , then through a stage of mental meditation , and finally a merging into contemplation , which did not need words , but a silent awareness of the presence of God , which sometimes continued for a quarter of an hour or more .
9 For the last quarter of an hour or so his face had been furrowed with the effort of understanding the information with which he had been presented .
10 Another quarter of an hour or so and he was solving Michael 's recruitment problems across the board , recommending a dozen good , reliable workers .
11 From one she extracted the brown exercise book , more creased and folded than when she had first set eyes on it a quarter of an hour or so before .
12 ‘ We 'll give it another quarter of an hour or so , ’ Laura said , ‘ and I 'll try for another reduction .
13 He seemed to be awake for a long time , I think , you know like you wake up and you do n't know what to do with yourself , I think it was like that , so every quarter of an hour or so he kept me , shouting for a drink he did n't know quite what to do with himself
14 or the bananas , scrub out er , quarter of an hour or so
15 I 've nearly done , about another quarter of an hour or so .
16 Quarter of an inch or so , I could n't believe it , you know .
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