Example sentences of "damage [conj] [vb mod] be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Any residues not digested in the stomach must therefore be ejected back through the oesophagus , and to prevent damage that might be caused by sharp ends of bones the process of pellet formation is such as to enclose the bones in the undigested skin and hair from the prey animals .
2 Will my hon. Friend confirm that he received representations from both the British Tourist Authority and the English tourist board about the damage that would be done to the industry by the restrictions on part-time working and on working hours which are so beloved of Labour ?
3 According to the NRA , the net present value of the damage that would be caused by flooding , and hence the benefit accruing , has been calculated using a number of variables , and generally lies between £41 million and £69 million .
4 The political damage that may be done to governments by industrial conflict may be illustrated by the fall of the Heath government in the course of the 1973–4 British miners ' strike .
5 Branson did not need them to tell him the damage that could be done to the airline 's reputation by a story appearing about engine failure on the day before the inaugural flight .
6 Will he warn the British people of the damage that could be done to them and the danger to their way of life and democracy ?
7 We are all aware of the damage that can be done by threatening to ‘ call a policeman ’ or ‘ fetch the bogeyman ’ , but many more casual phrases — never intended as a threat — can do just as much harm .
8 The importance of the distinction is that there can be no action for slander unless the plantiff has suffered damage that can be calculated in monetary terms .
9 And what I would like to ask in in this environmental age that we live in , for a benefit to the people on the A sixty one , for a vehicle every four point eight seconds instead of every three point five seconds , using your own figures , how can you justify and quantify the cost of the environmental damage that will be done to what is regarded as the finest visual attractive side of Harrogate .
10 The famous storage facility ‘ Platinum Hill ’ also received damage and can be seen in the background .
11 Some , such as froghoppers ( ‘ cuckoo spit ’ ) and flea beetles , cause little more than cosmetic damage and will be tolerated by healthy plants .
12 This will be on the ground that the breach of duty was not the legal cause of the damage and will be expressed by saying that the damage was too remote .
13 This must be calculated just like special damage and must be verified by exhibits in the same way .
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