Example sentences of "sitting [adv] [prep] [art] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 When they had eaten , sitting companionably at the kitchen table , she told him how impressed she was by his unsuspected talent .
2 She was sitting tensely on the gilt chair .
3 Sitting together on the back row : the one nearer the exit a burly-looking fellow , with a rather heavy , though kindly mien ; and beside him a slimmer , clearly more authoritative man , with thinning hair and pale complexion .
4 Everyone else was out at work , and the two of them were sitting inside in the semi-darkness drinking raksi .
5 It felt weird sitting outside in the snow eating lunch .
6 These were usually made by the miner at home and one can just imagine a man sitting comfortably at the kitchen table , with a bag of gunpowder which he had ground down , pile of straws , a tiny paper funnel , and puffing away on his pipe !
7 He was sitting directly above the cellar door , close enough to the kitchen door to hear their angry words .
8 I was sitting upright in a pine coffin high on a marble pedestal and wearing a delicate silk gown of pure white .
9 I was sitting upright in a pine coffin high on a marble pedestal — Yes , it was the one I 'd dreamt the night before I got my results .
10 On the table he kept a photograph , ringed with the imprint of coffee cups , of a man sitting sideways on a motor bike .
11 I use the phrase hypocritical exhortation , because I know Jim is sitting there with a tape recorder and taking note of all the words we are using today our dictionary so I think the phrase hypocritical exhortation I said three times in relation
12 A modern parent sitting there with a polo neck jumper on
13 It felt good sitting there with the oxygen mask off and not having to worry about flak .
14 All right , but you 're sitting there on the nursery provision for under five 's working party , you chaired that committee meeting yesterday .
15 he sits , he 's sitting there like a fly squad ,
16 Entering it he could imagine her sitting there in the summer days and evenings , working on the papers which she occasionally contributed to ornithological journals and looking up from time to time to gaze out over the headland to the sea and the far horizon , could see again that carved , weather-browned Aztec face with its hooded eyes under the grey-black hair , drawn back into a bun , could hear again a voice which , for him , had been one of the most beautiful female voices he had ever heard .
17 Sitting there in the regulation dressing gown waiting for the results of these critical proceedings , this was certainly my moment of truth .
18 Now and then , Liza thought of John but , far more often , of her child 's father , presumably still sitting safely in the War Office .
19 I was forever being accosted , when sitting quietly in the Smoking Room ( the far corner of which was occasionally occupied by the grander Labour MP such as Hugh Gaitskell or Richard Crossman ) , by nice old buffers who claimed to have known my father .
20 As long as you ignore Detective Sergeant Kellard , sitting quietly in the back seat of the police car .
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