Example sentences of "compared [prep] [adv] [adj] per cent " in BNC.

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1 Cedric Brown , BG 's chief executive , said that competitors had taken over 27 per cent of total contract gas sales last year , compared with just 5 per cent in May 1991 .
2 After a month in the country which , as Communist Party boss , he controlled for 13 years in the '70s and '80s , his opinion poll rating is 70 per cent , compared with just eight per cent for Mr Gamsakhurdia .
3 Over two thirds of Japanese car workers operate in multi-skilled teams , compared with just 10 per cent in the UK , and the land of the risen yen puts in two and a half times as many hours training its new workers in those skills .
4 The Chinese currently spend 10 to 20 per cent over and above their capital outlay on servicing their new computers over three years compared with just three per cent in the US .
5 Similarly , the proportion of school-leavers in 1985–86 who had obtained at least one ‘ A ’ Level stood at 23.5 per cent for the South East compared with barely 16 per cent for the Northern Region .
6 By her insulation , Czechoslovakia has bought herself a safe and steady misery and avoided the worst buffetings of the decade : only 27.3 per cent of the country 's trade was conducted outside the Bloc in 1978 , compared with over 50 per cent in the case of Poland and Romania .
7 Turnout was 86.3 per cent of the 46,000,000 people eligible to vote , compared with over 89 per cent in 1985 .
8 With regard to age , in rural Lincolnshire 13 per cent of those aged over 60 were found to have no access to any kind of private transport compared with only 5 per cent in the population as a whole ( Clark and Unwin 1981 ) .
9 In 1953/4 19 per cent of all poor families with dependent children were ‘ headed ’ by a lone mother compared with only 5 per cent of all families with dependent children ( Abel-Smith and Townsend , 1965 , p. 33 ) .
10 Sixty per cent carry the main responsibility for supporting the disabled or elderly person compared with only 46 per cent of male carers , while the latter are more likely to play a role which is ancillary to another main carer — 42 per cent compared with 31 per cent of female carers ( Evandron , 1990 , p. 15 ) .
11 Canadian producers had faced higher interest rates than those of their US competitors and higher unit labour costs , which rose 15 per cent between 1985 and the first quarter of 1989 , compared with only 1 per cent in the USA for the same period .
12 Nearly a quarter of those in nursing homes had not had to pay towards the cost of living there compared with only 7 per cent of those in old people 's homes .
13 Walesa was re-elected on April 22 as chairman of Solidarity , winning 362 of the of the 467 votes cast ( 77.5 per cent , compared with only 55 per cent in the 1981 elections ) .
14 The large proportion of schedule 11 cases in the AEC sample contrasts dramatically with the proportion commencing probation nationally in 1988 , that is , 63 per cent of the AEC 's probationers were subject to a day centre requirement compared with only six per cent nationally ; similarly , 31 per cent of the AEC probationers were subject to a specified activity requirement compared with only six per cent nationally ( Home Office , 1990c , p. 46 ) .
15 The large proportion of schedule 11 cases in the AEC sample contrasts dramatically with the proportion commencing probation nationally in 1988 , that is , 63 per cent of the AEC 's probationers were subject to a day centre requirement compared with only six per cent nationally ; similarly , 31 per cent of the AEC probationers were subject to a specified activity requirement compared with only six per cent nationally ( Home Office , 1990c , p. 46 ) .
16 As nearly 50 per cent of women over 65 live alone , compared with only 16 per cent of men , it is a possibility which has to be prepared for .
17 The widest difference occurs in the 45–59 age group , where 24 per cent of women are carers compared with only 16 per cent of men ( Green , 1988 , p. 8 ) .
18 About half ( 54 per cent ) of all lone mothers are local authority tenants , compared with only 18 per cent of two-parent families ( OPCS , 1990 ) .
19 It found that 55 per cent of the addicted players gave mainly aggressive responses and displayed anti-social tendencies compared with only 18 per cent of the non-players .
20 The American study shows that 95 per cent of women whose cancer was found by mammogram lived for at least five years , compared with only 75 per cent of those who found lumps after self-examination .
21 His group identified antibodies to the hepatitis B virus in the blood of 38.1 percent of laboratory staff in psychiatric institutions , 31.8 per cent of haemodialysis staff , 18.4 per cent of general laboratory workers compared with only 1.3 per cent of pharmacists
22 Some 18 per cent of managing directors secured pay increases of over 20 per cent in 1988-89 , compared with only 8 per cent of executives below board level .
23 Second , heroin was the first drug used for recreational purposes by 20 per cent of the snowball sample compared with only 8 per cent of known users .
24 Fifty per cent of cases involving three or more links were rated by social workers and police officers as ‘ poor communication ’ compared with only 10 per cent in cases of two links or less .
25 The trial was halted after one year instead of the planned three after 20 per cent of patients taking only zidovudine died compared with only 10 per cent of those taking a ‘ cocktail ’ of zidovudine and acyclovir .
26 After 12 weeks of using the Nicorette Patch , 41 per cent of smokers gave up compared with only 10 per cent who used a dummy patch .
27 Twenty per cent of widowed , divorced and separated women aged 30–44 were carers , compared with only 10 per cent of men of similar age and status .
28 Of the carers in the 1985 GHS who were living in the same household as the person receiving care , 51 per cent of women reported spending at least fifty hours a week giving help compared with only 39 per cent of men .
29 of them will be in the top two bands , compared with only 5.6 per cent .
30 In a society such as the United Kingdom where over 50 per cent of workers are in the service sector compared with only 30 per cent in manufacturing , new technology in the office may have more consequences than robots in the factory for job loss .
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