Example sentences of "interested [prep] [verb] [noun] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 No one seemed to be particularly interested in buying horses of any description — except for the knackers !
2 It is unlikely that the Panel will be at all interested in reading drafts of any document .
3 Most of the publications which are likely to be interested in using pictures like these do not use colour photographs , so there is no point in wasting money taking them .
4 Are you ( and your baby ) interested in taking part in some research ?
5 Personal pensions are described a couple of pages further along , so if you are interested in taking advantage of this option you should read the section carefully .
6 If you would be interested in taking advantage of this offer contact .
7 ‘ Getting people interested in owning race-horses in these recession-ary times is hard , ’ said Bill .
8 Loans shall be made available by the federal and state governments to provide interested minority entrepreneurs interested in doing business in these deprived areas .
9 small number of sentences number that they come out understanding and that 's rather mysterious So to explain just in general terms , you 're interested in describing language in such a way that it 's the kindest thing that 's easy to learn , rather than hard to learn .
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