Example sentences of "responsible for [art] [noun sg] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Although it can be responsible for a variety of illnesses , it is actually essential for health .
2 ‘ Our own evidence suggests that a handful of schools are responsible for a majority of exclusions . ’
3 Acting as Port Agent for P&O Cruises for the first time , Ellerman & Bucknall were responsible for a range of activities all aimed at ensuring a trouble free visit for Canberra in both Durban and Cape Town .
4 On March 9 , 1990 , Fouad Ali Saleh , 31 , a pro-Iranian Moslem fundamentalist accused of organizing a terrorist network responsible for a wave of bombings in Paris between December 1985 and September 1986 in which 13 people were killed , was sentenced to 20 years in prison .
5 So when one producer or studio is responsible for a string of hits , it 's only necessary to find out what distinguishes its operation from that of other , less successful , operations , or what has changed when the same producer or studio hit a bum run , to discover what makes for successful film production .
6 Most of them are locally based and each is responsible for a group of schools or colleges ; they are under seven divisional inspectors .
7 The Council has no recreational responsibilities but is responsible for a number of harbours .
8 Now they are really dangerous and I understand that even today they are responsible for a number of deaths and serious accidents each year among farm workers .
9 On the negative side and however ‘ normal ’ for the period , we must remember that Charles was responsible for a number of massacres during his campaigns ; in 782 at Verden , he ordered the slaughter of no less than 4,500 unarmed prisoners .
10 More fundamentally , it is the high proportion of immigrants in this school which is responsible for the lowering of standards .
11 Individuals , by the force of their personalities , are held responsible for the breaking of truces : ‘ It was thanks to [ the Pope ] at any rate , that [ the truce ] was broken .
12 As part of the post-war creation of the Welfare State , the Children Act 1948 , introduced local authority departments responsible for the welfare of children .
13 A panel study to explore with those responsible for the conduct of programmes how these have developed and how they are working in practice .
14 Appliances for Environmental Conditioning — Working on the team responsible for developing novel domestic appliances for environmental conditioning , you will be responsible for the development of appliances from theoretical concept to advanced working prototypes suitable for field evaluation .
15 The Department of Employment is responsible for the provision of services under the Disabled Persons ( Employment ) Acts .
16 Labour-only sub-contractors supply their labour and , in addition , may provide small tools and plant , but they will not be responsible for the provision of materials .
17 There is also in England and Wales a Housing Corporation , responsible for the provision of funds for housing associations .
18 Gates challenged the move in the courts and , on the following day , the Los Angeles city council ( which lacked the authority to overturn the Police Commission decision , but was responsible for the settlement of lawsuits ) ordered the city attorney to settle the suit in favour of Gates .
19 In addition , the president is constitutionally responsible for the making of treaties and the appointment of ambassadors and is effectively put in charge of foreign policy .
20 The adversarial system of criminal justice in Britain and the USA , together with less emphasis on community policing , may be partly responsible for the alienation of doctors and police and for a lowering of standards .
21 If you are personally responsible for the payment of fees please state SELF .
22 Although strictly speaking the company is responsible for the cost of materials immediately the order is placed , the normal procedure is for costing to be delayed until the invoice has been checked and approved for payment .
23 This is set out in an affidavit sworn by Mr. Roger Anthony Barnes , who is an assistant director of the Bank of England and the head of the Banking Supervision Division , in which capacity he is the senior official in the division responsible for the supervision of institutions authorised under the Act ; it was he who authorised and signed the section 39 notice , after discussion with the officers of the Bank of England immediately responsible for conducting the supervision of the defendants .
24 It could well be that some of the summit surfaces of the Hercynian blocks are Eogene pediplains , while the weathering responsible for the formation of tors may have been tropical weathering of the same date .
25 These statements spoke for the whole Unionist party in their vigorous tone , in the denial that Unionists were responsible for the state of things , and in the laying of blame on the Nationalists .
26 Colonialism is responsible for the position of women in developing countries .
27 Although Watson himself was not , therefore , personally responsible for the teaching of pupils inside the school , he was nevertheless a dedicated headmaster who , by making a success of the first educational asylum , firmly established the provision of deaf education in Britain .
28 It is believed that it is the DNA alone which is responsible for the inheritance of traits .
29 If negligence is alleged against a general practitioner the plaintiff can sue the doctor directly , as general practitioners are solely responsible for the treatment of patients .
30 In practice a contestant is held responsible for the behaviour of team-members and the coach , and he may face a severe penalty if they misbehave .
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