Example sentences of "increase in [noun sg] [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 That follows on a steady increase in nursery provision over the last few years .
2 The tax cuts for the top income earners , the increase in share prices over the decade , and the effects of the recession have sharpened economic differentials in the Thatcher period .
3 The scheme , forbiddingly called a fixed assured note , will take a minimum £5,000 and guarantees to provide people with the full increase in share prices over the next five years as measured by the FTSE100 index .
4 The conference approved the Economic Equality policy review which proposes : Ending tax on childcare ; Introducing a minimum wage starting at half of average male earnings ( £2.80 an hour ) , rising to two-thirds the average ; Income tax levels of no higher than 50 per cent at the top , down to less than 20 per cent at the bottom ; ‘ A significant and generous increase in child benefit over the lifetime of the Parliament ’ ; To tax gifts and inheritance at the point of receipt ; To crack down on tax loopholes ; Raise pensions immediately by £5 for single people and £8 for couples ; To introduce a new disability benefit ; To simplify income support rules ; To keep mortgage interest tax relief ‘ at a single rate equivalent to the basic rate relief which we inherit ’ .
5 Dilnot and Kell felt that any ‘ incentive ’ effect which may have been present could only account , at most , for 1.2bn or 3% of the total increase in tax revenues over the period studied .
6 Although it retains the overall configuration and shape of previous models , the BV will be a substantially different aircraft with a seven-foot increase in fuselage length over the Guylfstream IV , an entirely new wing of thirteen feet greater span with an airfoil section optimised for high-altitude , high-speed operation , an enlarged flight deck ( the airstair door has also been moved five feet aft for easier cabin access ) , and new braking , nose-wheel steering and electrical systems .
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