Example sentences of "easily be [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It produces data that can easily be expressed in statistical form .
2 However , a colleague looking at these OSUs in relation to their cultural impact , saw there were many aspects of a qualitative nature which could not easily be expressed in fiscal terms ( Adams 1988 : 11 ) :
3 The obvious correctness of this argument can easily be demonstrated by near-to-hand examples .
4 Deaf people may be seen as handicapped and failing and our studies can easily be presented in this way .
5 ) Aspiring castes can easily be led in this way to inherit actual faults from their predecessors .
6 But he never explained how it is that we can so easily be led by involuntary desire .
7 The attitudes ascribed to Soviet women in general could just as easily be observed among Western women .
8 The Secretary of State , Virginia Bottomley , at once committed herself to finding an urgent solution to the problem of maintaining the treatment of discharged patients suffering from chronic mental illness , who can all too easily be missed by current community psychiatric services .
9 If the structure of the data is maintained , it can easily be merged with existing models .
10 If a walk is taken into the higher fastnesses of the glen , as may quite easily be done for several miles , more and more appear in succession ; indeed , there is a through route for walkers , not available to those who have to return to parked cars , all the way to Loch Treig and Corrour Station : a memorable expedition .
11 Since we offer training as part of our technical support contract , this work can easily be done by any office worker who is used to , say , word processing on a PC .
12 The choice of a robot as an on-screen guide is ingenious ; it speaks without lip movements , so that the film can easily be dubbed into foreign languages .
13 This can easily be obtained with small signal transistors in the output stage .
14 However , if bottom-up recognition was poor , P could easily be misled by extraneous words into following incorrect hypotheses .
15 Environmental protection can easily be built into adaptive research , and becomes just another important but related consideration in induced innovation .
16 Such images have little flexibility and may easily be destroyed by mundane realities .
17 What we have said about modulations in major keys can easily be applied to minor keys , with a little common sense .
18 Golden Orfe are very sensitive to the addition of certain disease remedies , and all of the Orfe in a pond can easily be lost following careless treatment .
19 The population of England and Wales had grown steadily in the centuries up to about 1300 , by which time it had exceeded a level which could easily be sustained by contemporary food production .
20 Although the advantage of real volume planning , an assured outcome , is lost by the new technique , it was expected that cash planning would mean that government expenditure could more easily be related to expected government revenue .
21 The curriculum is skewed towards the practical subjects that can most easily be integrated into economic production — the sciences , engineering , mechanics and health studies .
22 Lutyens and his friends , among them Sir Lawrence Weaver , Director Designate of the United Kingdom exhibits at the exhibition , quickly realised that the building of the dolls ' house could easily be integrated into this project , and would be an invaluable advertisement to promote the names and products of the top British designers , craftsmen and artists of the time .
23 Perhaps by analogy with this he began to see that animal species too are in a state of dynamic equilibrium with one another and with the environment , an equilibrium that can easily be disturbed by geological changes or by the immigration of new species into the area .
24 Do n't feel restricted to a circle if you want to make a garland design , as it can easily be manoeuvred into other shapes .
25 And I remember an earlier epoch when the geologists were told by the physicists , including the great Lord Kelvin himself , that they were foolish to postulate so many millions of years for earth history , when it could easily be calculated from classic physics that this was quite impossible .
26 Perhaps it is not unexpected that simple correlation can not easily be made between different parts of the world in view of the advent of the theory of plate tectonics because of the amount of movement associated with the displacement of plates .
27 Such members can quite easily be made in curved shapes and a not uncommon obstruction on the roads of England is a lorry carrying vast timber arches for some architectural project .
28 If we can establish that literacy practice involved a socially variable set of conventions ( as I hope this book will make a contribution to doing ) , then claims for its consequences will not so easily be disguised as universal truths .
29 O. anomala can easily be distinguished from other North Atlantic species of Ophacantha ( except O. nodosa Lyman ) because it has 6 arms .
30 Yet , as Choate 's account also shows , even wise men and their money can easily be parted by sharp consultants , who can pass through the green baize door knowing that their clients can not peep through the keyhole .
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