Example sentences of "none of [pron] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Finding themselves studying such very different subjects , and with each of them making a circle of new friends — none of whom had anything in common with the other 's friends — it was no wonder that Laura and Liz had begun to drift slowly apart .
2 With the help of John , Malc and I auditioned several excellent musicians , none of which became one with me .
3 This was appalling news for the British companies , none of which had anything like the clout necessary to claim membership of the MPPC .
4 There are sections on Islay in many of the piloting and sailing directions for Scotland , and specialist publications about the geology and the minerals , which were published in the 19th century , none of which tells us about the inhabitants .
5 There are sections on Islay in many of the piloting and sailing directions for Scotland , and specialist publications about the geology and the minerals , which were published in the 19th century , none of which tells us about the inhabitants .
6 None of them told me about it .
7 Michelle , who was taking the drug Epilim , said at her home in Whyteleaf , Surrey : ‘ None of them told me about the risk of having a handicapped baby .
8 THE UNDERTAKER 'S CLOTHES had been found on Tuesday evening , and if the news reached Fleet Street news editors , none of them thought it worth mentioning .
9 They none of them said anything for a long time .
10 I remember thinking all numbers look the same , none of them mean anything on their own , but when you string them together they have a sort of magic to them , they 're an incantation like witches sing when they circle round the cauldron cackling .
11 They must have longed for quiet and solitude , for space to shed their tears in private , or even to vent their anger , but none of them showed it in public .
12 He pressed her to remember details , and she found a few ; none of them matching anything in his vivid dream , which disappointed him .
13 ‘ Well , we spoke to at least half a dozen members of his firm and none of them knows anything about a shipment of cocaine , ’ Hitch announced .
14 There are arguments for all possible positions , but none of them convinces us for long ( see chapters 1 and 5 ) .
15 ‘ I 'm trying to say that none of it means anything to me .
16 Well I did n't know anything about any none of us knew anything about anybody in those days , cos it was so early on in the , and we were n't , I was influenced more by people like blues er black blues singers , American blues singers like Muddy and Lightning , all those old blues , , er they were the heroes for me that I grew up with playing skiffle and and then Lonnie became my first Lonnie became by first hero and I er modelled a lot of my early singing on Lonnie .
17 None of us knows anything about him . ’
18 None of us knows anything about her family .
19 The others looked uncomfortable too , and none of us joined him in his toast .
20 None of us mind him at all and he used to be a special friend of Minch 's . ’
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