Example sentences of "to put [pers pn] [prep] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The survivor thus denies that he has ever harboured any hostile feelings against the dead loved one ; the soul of the dead harbours them instead and seeks to put them into action during the whole period of mourning … .
2 If the animals had in any proper sense rights , we should no more be entitled to put them to death without a fair trial … than to torture them for our amusement .
3 To put you on stand-by for the grunt'n'groan grapplers , The Daily Mirror has been speaking to two family rivals — British Bulldog and Bret ‘ Hit Man ’ Hart .
4 However , they should be able to put you in contact with a group in your area .
5 At least the President saw enough sense to agree to my request to put you in charge of the unit .
6 They may be able to put you in touch with a drug counselling agency or other local help .
7 If you do have problems , contact your retailer who will be able to put you in touch with a specialist repairer .
8 Collin Wilfred SSF , the HIV/AIDS advisor , may be able to put you in touch with a sympathetic religious advisor from your Church or religious community .
9 Either way , the problem you describe , combined with the fact that this is your first dog , makes me think you should go back to the RSPCA and ask them to put you in touch with the most suitable , local training club .
10 Ask your vet to put you in touch with the nearest , most suitable member of the Association of Pet Behaviour Consultants .
11 Jogging , and the whole keep-fit scene , can be exploited to put you in touch with the force .
12 There are some addresses in this booklet to put you in touch with the right people .
13 Your local drug project may be able to put you in touch with an understanding dentist or specialist dental clinic .
14 ‘ If I come across Amy Marr , surely I ought to put her in touch with the police or possibly the Bishop ? ’
15 Mrs Hawkins agreed to put it into practice after an appeal to the public .
16 ‘ That is an inquisitorial power , which may work with great severity against third persons , and it seems to me to be obvious that such a section ought to be used with the greatest care , so as not unnecessarily to put in motion the machinery of justice when it is not wanted , or to put it in motion at a stage when it is not clear that it is wanted , and certainly not to put it in motion if unnecessary mischief is going to be done or hardship inflicted upon the third person who is called upon to appear and give information .
17 One article in the June–July 1984 edition equates God with Brahman and Buddha , and it advertises ‘ Merlin ’ , the new magic to put us in touch with the new energy .
18 But when we talked directly with them , they refused to confirm this , they refused to put us in touch with the ship , they refused to confirm whether or not er the four activists who were walking to the test site had been apprehended , whether they 're safe , whether they 're being held separately , and so on .
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