Example sentences of "gives [pers pn] a [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Kim gives me a smile of allegiance .
2 Cos I can travel three hundred miles on my own at night so you know it just gives me a bit of safeguard .
3 All Americans go Eh Nine o'clock tomorrow I 'm going over to Kate ten thirty that gives me a bit of lee-way I 've got a at ten I thought it was ten thirty I ought to get some money out really You 're not going into Woking tomorrow morning are you doing your quiz ?
4 Well , you know , practically , the governor or the head you see , he knows what he 's got ta work , but erm , I , I know because the lads do n't , but he generally tells them well I wan na work so and so and he gives me a bit of paper with the horses names on wants galloping .
5 ‘ It gives me a sense of continuation . ’
6 The Caption Competition , which usually gives me a source of amusement , in the Feb edition was in bad taste .
7 She gives me a lot of stick for it .
8 ‘ At the end of the day the ability to be able to bring paper plans to life in the garden gives me a lot of job satisfaction . ’
9 ‘ It gives me a lot of pleasure to be top but the fact that everybody is surprised is disappointing . ’
10 My work gives me a feeling of achievement .
11 Everything that torments me , everything I do n't have and that I long for , that makes me indignant , or sick , or suffocates me , everything that gives me a feeling of light and warmth , and by which I live , and everything that destroys me — it 's all there in your film , I see it as if in a mirror .
12 It gives me a role in life .
13 He gives me a lift to work .
14 I said well it gives them a bit of panache do n't it ?
15 It gives them a purpose in life .
16 Getting children interested is the secret : ‘ That sets them free , and gives them a spirit of inquiry . ’
17 And I think another reason why we do so well educationally is that the baby gives them a sense of direction and purpose and they may not want to get 16+ exams but they want to for their baby .
18 Many shy people find the role of the detached evaluator a useful one : it gives them a sense of power over those people who need a lot of obvious approval , yet the role does n't demand too much of a contribution from them .
19 This is known as a ‘ seat ’ and , being partially hidden , it gives them a sense of security .
20 Good sailing centres will have at least one and certainly the R Y A ones do and they 're important because if beginners get into difficulties out on the water you need to be able to get to them as quickly as possible and it also gives them a sense of security to have one of these things around .
21 ‘ It gives them a feeling of self worth by contributing to their local community .
22 Her dry observations on race , class and gender in the Caribbean are made almost in passing , but her knowing smile gives them a ring of authority .
23 They do have an extra point of initiative instead , which puts them on a par with Men and gives them an advantage over Dwarfs .
24 It gives you a level of control over the configuration that is cleaner and quicker than anything DR-DOS offers in its question and answer CONFIG.SYS functionality .
25 Erm it 's an adventure and it gives you a sense of freedom .
26 If you are stuck in a boring job , concentrate on the fact that it is providing money for your needs and your pleasures and that it gives you a measure of independence .
27 The computer asks you a question via a sound card and gives you a choice of options on screen , and you respond by pressing the relevant button .
28 Before you leave your desk for any length of time you load Back Soon which gives you a choice of messages to display .
29 You can actually get stronger as you go along on all the benefits so instead of selling one benefit , you could sell them a multitude of benefits because it means that if you 're with a customer two hours or two and a half hours , instead of spending ninety percent of the time , chatting along , you , you 'll not argue about , you follow me , I 've stopped selling benefits , but I used to sell them brillian brilliantly , in other words you get , gives you a bit of meat
30 Eating out ( particularly Sunday lunch ) gives you a break from cooking and gives your guest some variety of scenery .
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