Example sentences of "degree of [noun] of [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 However , given a proper degree of reliability of supply for protective systems and facilities for control , increases in height of storage , up to some 50 metres may not present insoluble problems .
2 For the areas in our study there was a high degree of completeness of ascertainment from 1968 onwards for children aged 0–14 because these areas are included in the data collected prospectively for the Northern Region Children 's Malignant Disease Registry and all these cases were included in the National Registry of Childhood Tumours .
3 Instead of using a fixed percentage , Cubbin and Leech argue that a shareholder or group of shareholders can be regarded as having control where it is likely that they would win a contested vote , but that this can be determined only by examining the degree of dispersal of shareholdings within the individual company concerned .
4 The support from one 's functional colleagues requires first of all a high degree of mutuality of respect for each other 's expertise and a shared acceptance of the objective that you are trying to achieve .
5 A recent paper by Norman , Quinn and Malin ( 1988 ) expresses concern as to the degree of involvement of nurses in the resource management process .
6 Convergence ( not to be confused with phyletic convergence ) refers to the degree of resemblance of faunas in different regions increasing from an earlier to a later period , and divergence refers to the reverse phenomenon ( Fig. 18. 3 ) .
7 The use of multi disciplinary teams or alternatively the degree of specialisation of sections within the Exchequer Division .
8 But it also requires a distribution of the resources for propaganda and persuasion which ensures that the power to influence our minds is distributed roughly in accord with the degree of diversity of opinion within society .
9 These illnesses are manifest by a wide variety of symptoms from paranoid delusions or auditory hallucinations to total withdrawal from normal communication into silence or bizarre , apparently meaningless jargon , and they have in common some degree of loss of contact with reality .
10 The figures for concentration overall indicate the degree of centralisation of decision-making in the economy as a whole .
11 It is also that the perspectives necessarily adopted by very different interest groups , some of which we have tried to reproduce here , will contain a degree of indeterminacy of translation between themselves .
12 I think a settlement of this size would be compatible with the general pattern of village development that exists in the York area , if a new settlement were significantly larger than this pattern I think there would be a high degree of risk of coalescence with the existing er communities , and would certainly threaten their identity .
13 The degree of concentration of bones from such accumulations of prey depends on the habits of the predator more than the habits of the prey animals .
14 This has in fact occurred in the advanced capitalist countries , and one main consequence has been to limit industrial conflict primarily to economic issues , as against larger issues of the control of the enterprise , and to bring about a substantial degree of integration of workers into the existing mode of production .
15 The University will be conferring the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws on Professor Gregory next February .
16 HIS Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama , Tanzin Gyatso , is to receive an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from the University of St Andrews on 14 May at a special ceremony in the Younger Graduation Hall .
17 In 1989 he was visiting fellow of Trinity Hall , Cambridge , and in 1992 was awarded the degree of Doctor of Letters at Cambridge fro work in modern and medieval German and Celtic studies .
18 In recognition of his work with the Council and other bodies , David was appointed a Commander of the Order of the British Empire ( CBE ) in 1991 , and this month he receives the honorary degree of Doctor of Education from Napier University .
19 He took the University of London Matriculation Examination in 1932 , obtaining credits or better in every subject , while still at school , as a result of which he was admitted to the University , where despite enormous handicaps , he gained a Honours B.Sc. , followed by the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in science and geology .
20 Dr. John Ashworth , former V.C. of Salford University ( 1981–1990 ) , was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science at the Salford degree ceremony last July .
21 He was awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science by the University in July 1990 .
22 Awarded the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Engineering by the University in 1983 he will confer Honorary Degrees , following his installation in the Great Hall , on the highly acclaimed concert pianist John Briggs ; Peter Flesher , Managing Director of Allied Colloids ; Sir Gordon Jones , Chairman of Yorkshire Water and Frank Mumby , former Senior Lecturer in Music at Leeds University and piano tutor to Sir Trevor .
23 In post-war democratic states this is particularly associated with a high degree of equality of distribution in comparison with earlier periods , and in this way lends plausibility to the assumption that greater equality means greater welfare .
24 The function of the court in such circumstances is to strike a reasonable balance between the conflicting considerations of not preventing redevelopment on the one hand , and giving the tenant a reasonable degree of security of tenure on the other ( ibid ) .
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