Example sentences of "tried [verb] [pron] [noun] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The two sisters bravely tried to support their family home with their salaries .
2 Prosecutor Neil Tyrell said Mitchell struck her when she tried to pull her boyfriend away from him .
3 Panic-stricken , she tried to pull her arm out of his , but her companion ignored her struggles , saying , ‘ Come on , ducks , no need to bovver ourselves with supper ; let's ‘ ave our bit of fun first , ’ and pulled her along into the alley where Dr Neil had found her .
4 But when I later tried to find my way back to the dining-room to finish my meal , which should have been a simple thing to do , I just could not locate it at all .
5 I took it to Sir Henry Knight and we tried to trace its origin back through the telegraph service .
6 The Yom Kippur War , and the oil crisis put paid to that as western governments tried to buy their way out of recession by borrowing heavily .
7 I was terrified , I tried not to look at him , I tried pulling my skirt down over my knees .
8 She tried to ease her hand out from under his but met with a resistance that could only have been overcome by struggling , and pride refused to let her do that .
9 Riven managed to prise a knife from a dead sailor 's hand and stood between Isay and Darmid as they tried to keep their attackers away from Madra 's still form on the deck .
10 Greg tried to switch his mind back to the problem in hand .
11 She became a snob ; she thought only of smart society ; and finally she tried to turn her uncle out of the very house in which the most useful things she knew had been inserted into her brain .
12 So I tried to lie my way out of it .
13 " I thought he was kidding until he tried to get my pants off with his teeth . "
14 Conrad laughed and tried to tuck his shirt back into his waistband .
15 Repeatedly the hoarse-voiced Feldwebels tried to rally their men forward in one more supreme effort , but the result was always the same .
16 She tried to brush her assailant aside with the words , ‘ One day all the facts , in about thirty years ’ time , will be published , ’ and was ticked off in return .
17 Talcott Parsons tried to link his sociology systematically with aspects of Freud 's theory of the development of personality .
18 MARILLION singer Steve Hogarth was left red-faced when a fan tried to rip his trousers off during a sell-out show .
19 Again Jess tried to wrench her ankle out of his grasp , but she had no more chance of freeing herself than a snared rabbit .
20 In desperation , some of the men tried to dig their way through to Stourbridge to get coal for heating .
21 Cries could be heard from the stairs as the policemen tried to make their way up to the landing , the remaining boys making it as difficult as possible for them in the hope that their brother would get away .
22 As they tried to make their way out of a carpark , the attendant was still taking their 20p parking fees .
23 Some escaped the massacre and tried to make their way back to their own districts .
24 More sepoys poured forward over the bodies of their fellows and a number of the defenders who had lingered too long hammering nails into the vents of the cannons were cut down as they tried to make their way back to the shelter of the buildings ; many more would have perished had not a small rescuing party which included Rayne , Fleury , half a dozen Sikhs and a couple of Eurasian clerks , wielding sabres and bayonets , surged forward in a sudden counter-attack to surround their companions and drag them back .
25 However , unlike Portugal , who showed glimpses of class , the German side tried to bludgeon their way through with an ill-tempered Claus Hammer as their star .
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