Example sentences of "couple [prep] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Down in Pembroke , where the Range West arrangements are proceeding smoothly , thanks to Bill Wright , the BMC and various local activists , there have been a couple of temporary bans on the Triple Overhang Buttress and part of Mewsford Point , due to nesting choughs .
2 His gallops have always impressed me but after a couple of disappointing runs on the flat his attentions were turned to the all-weather surfaces .
3 She was also almost naked , except for a couple of mere scraps of the lightest chain mail and riding boots of iridescent dragonhide .
4 I 've had a couple of nice chats with the people at GMTV , but I told them I was n't in a hurry to decide what I would do next and frankly I do n't envy the people who are going straight on to another show . ’
5 Neither keeper was seriously tested , but McMinn proved dangerous at times for the Swifts with the home defence warding off a couple of good chances by the visitors .
6 You know I thought the keeper did ever so well , you know , made a couple of good saves in the first half and just changed the game for us .
7 I add a couple of sleeping tablets to the other two pills and she swallows them quite happily .
8 After a couple of noisy tweaks on the throttle he allowed the engine to idle .
9 After sorting out our bases we cut a couple of small gaps in the reeds to our left and right and put in the rests for the cat rods .
10 I 've had a couple of stormy sessions with the old rascal trying to keep him on the beam . ’
11 ‘ We were on the verge of letting him go because we had George Reilly and a couple of other strikers on the books .
12 During his ministerial years , however , he had used it relatively little — ten days at Christmas , a week in early August , and perhaps a couple of other visits during the year .
13 A couple of other changes over the closed season ; firstly the scare over Hans Neilson , I think Oxford erm Oxford Cheetahs fans had their hearts in their mouths for about erm a month or so ?
14 He said that only a couple of other booksellers in the country had been brave enough to ignore the letters .
15 Couple of other points about the erm er er about the er Vienna settlement in general .
16 I only had to deal with a couple of vicious assaults over the telephone when the magazine I was writing for decided he was too dodgy to get involved with and , with mind-boggling nerve , he threatened us with legal action for breach of contract .
17 I asked my husband to melt holes through the plastic , just smaller than peanuts and quite close together ; then he poked a couple of tiny holes through the ‘ open ’ end to take wire hangers They look like giant ice-cream cones , hanging at the window and the red ones seem to be the most popular .
18 It is possible to add a couple of useful refinements to the basic system if desired .
19 Seriously though , look out for a couple of new faces in the team — maybe more — and some new first-time winners on the 1991 Tour .
20 And Quantel will soon release a couple of new products onto the market , Clipbox and MicroHenry .
21 Whether you decide on a honeymoon at home or you 're planning a trip abroad it 's a wonderful excuse to treat yourself to a couple of new outfits for the beach and it 's essential to look after yourself and protect against the sun 's more harmful rays .
22 There were a couple of excellent ideas in the cockpit .
23 ‘ Two weeks ago we had a couple of so-called businessmen in the club , with their minder and the Roller parked down below .
24 Here a spacing of 4m to 6m is advisable and , contrary to normal practice , each member should carry a couple of loose coils in the hand which can be cast away in the event of seeing a slip .
25 I said I had no intention of being within a couple of light years of the Mimosa when Plod and the SWAT team burst in .
26 I have made only a couple of minor claims over the period in question .
27 The three of us pick our way across the pot-holes past a couple of lock-up garages into the patch of waste ground that leads to the blocks of flats .
28 When the indicator board clacked out the information BAGGAGE IN HALL against their flight , a circle of bell-ringers in my stomach all heaved on their ropes at the same time , and the terrible clangour they set off in my skull could only be stilled by a couple of stiff ones at the bar .
29 He took a couple of wrong turnings in the gloom and was angry when he reached Jacqui 's flat .
30 I really enjoyed the day , and I was a little put out by the articles I read in a couple of daily newspapers throughout the week , which criticised the tournament for staging what they called ‘ just a one-woman show ’ .
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