Example sentences of "provided [prep] the [noun sg] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 An additional mechanism was provided during the war years by the neighbourhood associations ( tonarigumi ) .
2 Though I do not doubt the considerable advances made in certain ultrasound centres in Britain and the United States in the use of fetal ultrasonography as an adjunct to prenatal diagnosis of fetal trisomy 21 , the evidence in the Down 's syndrome register is only as good as the information provided to the cytogenetics centres from people requesting karyotyping .
3 This was the actuality of the pretty designs so liberally provided by the cottage enthusiasts of the time .
4 The overall feeling is sombre despite the contrast provided by the dancing putti on the cornice .
5 Music was provided by the Shrine authorities with pilgrims assisting with readings , bidding prayers and the offertory procession .
6 The questions and keywords were provided by the teacher pupils in the early stages of this unit .
7 In the event the National Coal Board decided not to invoke the powers provided by the Employment Acts of 1980 and 1982 .
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