Example sentences of "set of [adj] [noun] for the " in BNC.

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1 MAI Systems Corp , Tustin , California , has released MAI Financial Solutions , a set of financial applications for the Sybase Inc database : each of the four modules costs around $40,000 .
2 The final set of preparatory negotiations for the UN Conference on Environment and Development ( UNCED , or " Earth Summit " ) , known as Prepcom 4 , ended in New York on April 4 , with little prospect of success for the summit proper , scheduled to take place in Rio de Janeiro in early June .
3 To attempt a solution to the problem of finding a set of possible locations for the electricity generating plant using manual methods would be extremely time-consuming and very costly .
4 Barney , of course , is currently struggling his way through the next set of fabulous lyrics for the upcoming New Order album which is staggering to completion .
5 Precedent 1 is a set of standard conditions for the sale of goods written from the viewpoint of the seller .
6 This is partly because , as we have seen , the Court of Appeal showed no inclination to formulate a coherent set of sentencing aims for the guidance of sentencers , and partly because the self-regulatory mechanisms on which it sought to rely in the pursuit of its more limited policy objectives were themselves seriously defective .
7 One of the peculiarities of these business cards is that there is no single standard set of English translations for the ranks and positions in Japanese companies .
8 These were SALT I ( Intermediate Agreement on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms ) , a Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems ( the ABM treaty ) and a set of Basic Principles for the conduct of US-Soviet relations .
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