Example sentences of "for as [adv] as [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Now , she decided , if ever she had that kind of money , she would first ensure that her family would never again , for as long as they lived , be in need .
2 In any case , for as long as they remain as powerful as they are and until the country is ready for a proper comprehensive system the grammar school should be preserved : ‘ It would , moreover , be absurd from a socialist point of view to close down the grammar school , while leaving the public schools still holding their present commanding position .
3 For as long as they continue they are the issue , rather than a grievance for which many people might instinctively have some sympathy .
4 ‘ All I know is that for as long as we go on winning , the challenge is on and Bath ca n't squeeze past for the title .
5 He then astonished us by lending us a jeep , with its driver , Abu , for as long as we needed it .
6 The account goes on from year to year , for as long as you want .
7 You are going to need an area about a yard ( metre ) wide , for as long as you need to accommodate the plants — and that you will be able to judge as you read on .
8 These fish in the 1lb to 2lb class can be a hundred or more strong in a shoal , and if you begin catching this size of barbel it is likely they will remain in the swim , feeding off and on , for as long as you have bait to keep them interested .
9 For as long as it suited you ? ’
10 Maximum clarity , he wrote , for as long as it takes .
11 And it 's my intention to keep up this analysis , er , for as long as it takes , probably to the end of my life .
12 For as long as it seemed remotely relevant , the tactic never failed ; and it was easy enough to make it seem relevant in the atmosphere of international hostility of 1945 .
13 For as long as it took me to get out of range , several birds used me for bombing practice , coming so close on occasions that ducking was a necessity rather than a flamboyant gesture .
14 For as long as I 've had memories and before that too .
15 It is a cruel sport at best , but the poor show the matadors and toreadors made by running for the outer rail and escaping over the fence when the enraged bull pursued them was not a creditable sight ; I spent my time , for as long as I stayed , cheering for the bulls .
16 For as long as I have been conscious she has been out there in front of me , dodging arrows , triggering ambushes ; doubling back to brief me on the safest and fastest route forward .
17 For as long as she lived , she had been provided for .
18 Nothing could have prepared her for the beauty they had just shared , and she knew that for as long as she lived she would never regret giving herself to this man .
19 Harry Richardson appalled Anna by offering to lend her Flora 's school fees , interest-free , for as long as she needed them .
20 There was no point in her dropping out and wrecking the film and , in any case , for as long as she worked the film company would pick up Maisie 's crippling Canadian hospital bills .
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