Example sentences of "rest of [art] [noun] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 But the memory of Bregawn should not be of a recalcitrant mule goaded into action as the rest of the field leaves him way behind , but of a good Cheltenham Gold Cup winner storming up the hill to head the procession of Dickinson horses which was the most remarkable training feat of modern times .
2 Asked how much his relationship and sense of responsibility towards the rest of the band gave him the impetus to get his act together , there 's a long embarrassed silence .
3 In the play , Cyrano de Bergerac 's single voice was more effective to drive the bad actor Montfleury off the stage than the protests of all the rest of the audience to restrain him .
4 Re-stowing the rest of the sails gave him time to get the details straight in his head .
5 Rest of the cast fought him off but the tenor got cut about quite badly and had to go to hospital .
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