Example sentences of "find [pron] way back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I had to try and find my way back to the camp .
2 In return for this concession the English government obtained a number of crucial episcopal appointments , not least the translation of Sudbury to Canterbury ; moreover , the good offices of the pope were assured in the current peace negotiations ; finally , some of the money would find its way back to the English crown for the ransom of the pope 's brother , Roger Beaufort , who was then an English prisoner of war .
3 There is every chance that the IDO application will eventually find its way back to the Welsh Office , who have declined to ‘ call it in ’ voluntarily .
4 Again , those elements of the house-building industry , both firms and individuals , which are at present to an alarming extent drifting into jobbing and repair work on account of the difficulty of obtaining licences , will find their way back into the housing field , and the existing danger of skilled house-building teams being broken up and not replaced will be avoided .
5 Alternatively dirt and silt could find their way back into the pond .
6 When the party was over , all but the very young , who had to be confined to their cages for the night , would find their way back into the forest .
7 As to Hugh , his complete disappearance could best be explained if he were still doggedly pursuing Marian through the deep tangles of the forest ; if he had lost track of her he would presumably find his way back to the highway and rejoin them later .
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