Example sentences of "used [to-vb] [pers pn] [adv] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A a as I say er i it takes a bit of getting used to when you 're just making a meal for yourself , you know what I mean you 're you 're that used to carry 'em about and picking after 'em and
2 She made these er mosquito nets , people used to fetch them out and mend them .
3 And then the the the store cattle they were in big open yards during the nights and then you used to let them out and eat these off er a grass field in Win i in in in in the daytime .
4 And you ken they used to lift it off and put it in the ground .
5 When we used to go to town he used to get her out and carry her .
6 She used to say I 'll have a piece of topside and I used to get it down and cut her a piece of topside and sausages as well and pork chops .
7 Malcolm just used to screw them up and chuck them in the bin .
8 You used to take them home and cover them do n't you ?
9 And you , Miss Florence , used to take me upstairs and give me milk and a bun .
10 They used to cut it up and pretend to eat it and would cut out all different kinds of shapes .
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