Example sentences of "wo not [verb] [adv] [modal v] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I think we 've got ta tackle it like that cos it wo n't go away will it ?
2 The bag wo n't do up will it ?
3 Yes otherwise the door wo n't open properly will it .
4 ‘ I wo n't fight her-why should I ?
5 If it 's dry it sort of wo n't stick together will it ?
6 I shall come in there then they wo n't know then will they ?
7 T : two things to establish for the writer at the beginning of the story one the situation what is the situation * at the beginning of the story * anybody what 's the situation Douglas * have you read the story Douglas S : no sir T : ah that wo n't help then will it who 's read the story what is the situation at the beginning SS : ( laughter ) T : £ is it Michael S : Carl T : what 's the situation at the beginning simple detail situation what where what is the story about at the beginning * have you read it S : no sir T : right who 's read it * Sarah ( Walsh 1987 : 82 )
8 Well I wo n't have really will I if
9 Yeah it wo n't take long will it ?
10 See what we have to do cos the meat wo n't take long will it ?
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