Example sentences of "higher [subord] [det] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The Museum of Modern Art has also been able to give contemporary photographic artists catalogues published to a standard possibly even higher than that achieved with the Atget volumes : see , for example , NICHOLAS NIXON : PICTURES OF PEOPLE , printed in tritone by Franklin Graphics , Providence , Rhode Island , 1988 .
2 This secretion is significantly higher than that observed in the present study on days 6–9 ( Table I ) .
3 The Home Secretary announced , in early summer 1987 , that the maximum fee which data users may charge for subject access is ten pounds , a figure considerably higher than that sought by the Registrar .
4 the activity is self-regulated , enabling the requirement of high standards in relations with clients , usually higher than that imposed by the general law ;
5 In addition , farmers with an agreed development plan in the LFA receive a ‘ guidance premium ’ , which is not higher than that given outside the LFA in the UK ( though it could be one third higher under the Directive ) .
6 Critics of official statistics argued that not all those out of work were registered as unemployed and that the real figure was therefore higher than that given by the Department of Employment , which is responsible for compiling the data .
7 By notice of appeal dated 26 February 1991 Mr. Pegg appealed against that refusal on the grounds that the Divisional Court had erred ( 1 ) in rejecting the proposition that it would be Wednesbury unreasonable for the Secretary of State to fix Mr. Pegg 's tariff ( as a person serving a mandatory term of life imprisonment ) by reference to a period of retribution and deterrence which was higher than that recommended by the judiciary ; ( 2 ) in rejecting submissions that the tariff procedure was in breach of procedural propriety in that the court considered itself bound by the wrong decision of Payne v. Lord Harris of Greenwich [ 1981 ] 1 W.L.R. 754 ; and ( 3 ) in rejecting submissions that the decision to refuse his petition should be quashed and viewing that the tariff belonged solely to the Secretary of State to determine .
8 For example , the OPCS disability estimated prevalence for those aged 85 + is 32 per cent higher than that produced by the GHS : 779 per 1000 population compared with 588 per 1000 .
9 The overall incidence of symptomatic gall stones among the 20819 women who said they were smokers at the start of the study was 20% higher than that found among the 25558 non-smokers .
10 This implied that the proportion of the population experiencing poverty at some point in their lives was higher than that suggested by the surveys .
11 However , the two sets of normality ratings are not significantly correlated r(22)=-0.06 , and the ratings given in Study 3 are much higher than those given in the Groeger and Chapman study .
12 The estimates are much higher than those made in the past because of the need to comply with new , stricter EC environmental directives .
13 In European countries the mains supply voltage may fluctuate considerably , often being above any rated working voltage of the CL power pack , so that actual beam voltages may be appreciably higher than those set on the instrument panel .
14 I categorically deny the two other statements attributed to me in quotation marks : particularly that which implies that I think the doses must have been higher than those reported by the MoD .
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