Example sentences of "according to a [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A fifth round of talks was to be held in Seoul on Dec. 10-13 " to finalize the text " of the agreement , according to a joint communiqué on Oct. 24 .
2 One of the principle reasons for the development of anti-school attitudes amongst these young people is the separation and ranking of students according to a multiple set of criteria which make up the normative , academically oriented value system of the school .
3 men who have accepted a system of values by which to live , can not without courting in-efficiency and chaos keep for long a fenced-off portion of their lives where they think and behave according to a contrary set of values .
4 We design and perform an experiment , or make observations , according to a preformed set of ideas or concepts in our mind .
5 According to a simple application of lapse theory , slow responses ought to be preceded by low voltage CNVs , while fast responses ( as quick as when rested ) should be preceded by high voltage CNVs similar to those recorded from rested subjects .
6 According to a simple version of the adaptive expectations hypothesis , the expected rate of inflation is revised each period by adding on some proportion ( say , w ) of the observed error in the previous period , where w lies between zero and one .
7 According to a pre-Budget survey of Scotland 's top 300 companies , carried out by System 3 for the accountancy firm , Ernst & Young , 72 per cent of respondents think that a further cut in business rates would have a favourable effect on their company , though , surprisingly , 4 per cent believe it would have an adverse impact .
8 Levi 's double life as chemist and writer suggests that if art and work need to be separated , according to a certain sense of what it is to be a Jew , art and work are nevertheless very often the same .
9 To return to my Degas quote : many of the writers seem to be appropriating what they see as ‘ feminist tools of socio-political deconstruction ’ by examining details of Degas ' work according to a binary opposition of woman as object/man as Baudelairean flaneur .
10 According to a disappointed editorial in The Economist ( 15 June 1985 ) history would judge the Thatcher government as only an averagely wet Tory administration' .
11 According to a front-page story in InfoWorld , Novell Inc has hired Ablondi & Foster , a law firm specialising in antitrust law , to round up expert witnesses against Microsoft for the FTC to use in its potential case .
12 But according to a front-page splash in Le Nouveau Quotidien , quoting a Swiss-based intelligence newsletter , Revue de la Sécurité , he was really MI6 's Geneva station chief .
13 Not so long ago , Western man believed that the Earth was flat , that the Earth was the centre of the universe , and that God had created the Earth in seven days according to a literal interpretation of a creation myth given in an old Jewish book .
14 All original records on anal cancers coded according to a modified version of the seventh revision of the International Classification of Diseases ( ICD7 ) from 1943 to 1977 were examined manually to avoid inclusion of adenocarcinomas ( n=47 ) and melanomas ( n=19 ) .
15 The effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill have been more severe and persistent than originally thought , according to a comprehensive report from US government scientists .
16 Russia 's intended sale of diesel submarines to Iran , which had aroused strong US opposition , was delayed as a result of a dispute over trade payments , according to a Russian announcement on Sept. 25 .
17 At this school all pupils are assessed and graded at the end of their first term , according to a normal curve of distribution , to enable pupils to be placed in high or mixed ability groupings for all subjects , as described by the Head of Art :
18 THE much-vaunted BS5750 quality standard is hardly worth the paper it is written on , according to a major study of British manufacturing industry published yesterday .
19 The UK needs to become more international in its outlook on science and technology ( S & T ) , and should ignore historical straitjackets , according to a strategic review by the government 's Advisory Council on Science and Technology ( ACOST ) .
20 Like the discourse of the realist novel , the discourse of the news media operates according to a specific set of technical conventions ( reliance on the word of ‘ experts ’ , abundant statistical and other quantitative information , scrupulous use of qualification , etc. ) which guarantee that it appears truthful .
21 Likewise , the novel plays with normative paradigms such as those proposed by Greimas which seek to standardize narrative by defining it according to a canonic conception of what a story is .
22 According to a Swedish study of the economics of wind power in 1979 recommending the construction of 700 offshore windmills , the total cost of generation by this method was comparable with that of AGR generation at a ratio of 1 ( nuclear ) to 1.2 ( wind power ) .
23 We are all slaves to the same mechanism , which proceeds every night to control our sleeping brains according to a complex set of rules only now becoming apparent .
24 The Yek who ruled this world lived according to a complex code of law at the very core of which was a presumption which affected every part of their existence — the belief that technological advancement was to a great extent incompatible with the maintenance of civilisation .
25 More than 10,000 Soviet troops had left Hungary since the start of a partial withdrawal in April 1989 [ see p. 36595 ] , and according to a Soviet announcement on Dec. 28 the withdrawal of another 8,000 troops was envisaged for 1990 , but this would still leave a Soviet presence estimated at between 37,000 and 44,000 troops .
26 Such groups may cohere together according to a wide variety of principles , e.g. by identification with a particular locality , a particular herd of livestock , a particular parcel of seed ( annually replaced ) , a particular lineage name transmitted from parent to child , and 50 on .
27 SMOKING among 16–19 year olds in Britain has dropped by some 15 per cent over the past decade , according to a new survey of the habits of young people carried out by the Cancer Research Campaign .
28 In five years to last September , Japan 's 50 biggest increased their borrowing by 330% to ¥14 trillion ( $10 billion ) , according to a new survey by Tokyo Shoko Research .
29 AT least a quarter of drivers with diabetes are breaking the law by not informing the licensing authority or insurers , according to a new survey by Leeds University .
30 And , according to a new survey by Friskies Petcare , we take our pet 's diet so seriously three-quarters of owners put as much effort into preparing and serving their animals meals as they do their own .
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