Example sentences of "situation in [Wh det] [pron] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Duncan had asked , when Myeloski told him of the strange situation in which they had found Leeming .
2 Now there would be a certain logic in this incorporation , for , if we were to have a Bill of Rights enforced in Britain , then in a situation in which we have ratified the European Convention it would be difficult for us to bypass these rights and draw up a completely new set .
3 You will need the who-dun-it tug more than in some other forms of crime fiction , and the murder situation in which you have involved the hero of your comic novel ought to be a serious one , otherwise the whole enterprise will seem merely frivolous an you will risk readers dropping out .
4 This favourite phrase of hers , meaning uninformed opinion , seemed to underline her contempt for the situation in which I had placed myself : the young , married woman , abdicating intellectual effort , doing nothing but washing and cleaning and caring for her baby .
5 Held , dismissing the appeal , that although an adult patient was entitled to refuse consent to treatment irrespective of the wisdom of his decision , for such a refusal to be effective his doctors had to be satisfied that at the time of his refusal his capacity to decide had not been diminished by illness or medication or by false assumptions or misinformation , that his will had not been overborne by another 's influence and that his decision had been directed to the situation in which it had become relevant ; that where a patient 's refusal was not effective the doctors were free to treat him in accordance with their clinical judgment of his best interests ; that in all the circumstances , including T. 's mental and physical state when she signed the form , the pressure exerted on her by her mother and the misleading response to her inquiry as to alternative treatment , her refusal was not effective and the doctors were justified in treating her on the principle of necessity ; and that , accordingly , the judge 's order had been properly made ( post , pp. 786G–H , 795B–F , 796F–H , 797B–F , 798A–B , E–G , 799B–G , H — 800B , E–G , 803C–D , F — 804B , F–G , H — 805B , F ) .
6 The American president was then left with a situation in which he 'd created a club which he hims he himself could n't join .
7 However , the severity of her symptoms and the embarrassing situation in which she had collapsed soon led him to take her symptoms seriously .
8 Hers may be the problems of a lost or disgraced lover , of fears around childbirth or abortion , of whether or not her family will stand by her in the end , perhaps of a situation in which she has queered her own pitch for continuing fun , and above all , possibly , of the way she is seen by the others concerned .
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