Example sentences of "april [adj] [pron] [be] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 On April 22 it was reported that two Jewish brothers , Eli Swed and Selim Swed , had been released from prison .
2 On April 7 it was reported that a helicopter had bombed a village in Sierra Leone .
3 On April 26 it was announced that Tesfaye Dinka , Deputy Prime Minister in charge of Foreign Affairs and a US-trained economist , had been made Prime Minister ( a post vacant since November 1989 ) , with a brief to form a new Cabinet composed of individuals " who can stand up for Ethiopian unity " .
4 On April 17 it was reported that the ANC 's armed wing Umkhonto we Sizwe was advising on community defence tactics .
5 On April 17 it was reported that Dudayev and the deputy C.-in-C. of CIS armed forces , Col.-Gen .
6 On April 4 it was announced that all remaining quota limits on the import of foreign cars were to be ended .
7 On 26 April 1792 it was agreed that Messrs Howell and Russell should build the stables for £2,850 .
8 By April 1992 it is projected that the number of agencies will have risen to 70 and that around 50 per cent of the civil service will be organized on Next Steps principles .
9 On April 3 it was announced that a fund would be set up to complement the introduction with effect from March 22 of a new penal code based on sharia ( Islamic ) law [ see p. 37995 ] .
10 The YSP in late January approved what was described as the completion of the final stage of the local elections , but on April 13 it was reported that thousands had demonstrated in Aden to protest over the defeat of the capital 's mayor , Naji Othman , in what was described as a delayed election there which had enabled the YSP leadership to secure the return of its own preferred candidate .
11 On April 8 it was reported that ANC peace talks with Inkatha , scheduled for the previous weekend , had been called off as a result of the ANC 's May 9 ultimatum to de Klerk .
12 On April 27 it was reported that Russian Minister for Nationalities Valery Tishkov and Horst Waffenschmidt , German representative for immigration , had initialled a protocol on co-operation in the restoration of the Russian Germans ' autonomous republic on the Volga , which had been eliminated under Stalin in 1941 .
13 In April 1616 he was admitted as reader to the Bodleian Library in Oxford , and he matriculated in theology at the University of Leiden on 7 November 1616 .
14 On April 24 it was reported that the strike was spreading to other parts of Byelorussia .
15 On April 19 it was announced that a new Public Security Coordinating Office was to be set up , headed by a civilian , to " assist the security forces and propose public security measures " with the help of the military police ( Carabiñeros ) and the investigative police .
16 Leading separatists had met with Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar in Delhi on April 17 and 19 ; on April 20 it was announced that a large number of Sikh youths imprisoned for minor offences would be released .
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