Example sentences of "shown to be [vb pp] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The proposed development is contrary to the stated policy of the local planning authority where new dwellings in the countryside are normally resisted unless they can be shown to be justified by agricultural need .
2 Mycobacterial rRNA has been shown to be raised in sarcoid spleens .
3 β-Thromboglobulin levels have been shown to be elevated in various types of vascular disease .
4 Supporting evidence was obtained from experiments in which the ability of a depolarizing stimulus to release radiolabelled glutamate was shown to be elevated in potentiated hippocampal tissue .
5 This pattern of impaired fetal growth has now been shown to be linked to cardiovascular disease .
6 Excess salt has been shown to be linked to high blood pressure and may also affect the efficient function of the kidneys .
7 This may be important as weight loss with accompanying reduction of blood pressure in obese non-diabetic hypertensives has been shown to be accompanied by reduced levels of plasma renin activity and aldosterone ( Tuck et al , 1981 ) .
8 Especially , in man with the Zollinger-Ellison sydrome , fundic argyrophil endrocrine tumours have been shown to be associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 ( MEN 1 ) syndrome .
9 SIR , — Pneumothorax has been shown to be associated with intracranial haemorrhage in the newborn .
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