Example sentences of "come [adv prt] and [verb] [pron] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And er , I 'll come down and show them if they like .
2 My fantasies were never about specific sexual activities , they were always on the level of some emotional transcendence — someone would come along and embrace me and that would be it ; I could n't really envisage what the nitty gritty practical things were .
3 And they 'd come up and wait them but I 'd make them a cup of coffee or a cup of cocoa or something like that , there were n't coffee then cos we could n't afford coffee we used to have cocoa or make them a mug of tea .
4 If your cigarette went out the screws would come back and light it if they was in the right frame of mind : all depends who was on .
5 So it gets to the end of the line and it will come back and adjust itself and go under the the
6 My dad said he 'd buy me a ticket to fly back to England and David said that he 'd pay him back because he 'd be very happy if I could come back and help him as he did n't really know how to deal with his mother 's grief .
7 erm which should be , you know , enough , but again if there 's a problem then my phone number is on your collection card which is there and I 'll come out and re-stock you as it were
8 If you place the Night Goblin unit close to your best core unit the enemy wo n't dare to charge the core unit with knights or other precious troops — if he does the Fanatics will come out and whap him as he moves .
9 They buy the records and the video , so on days like this I must come out and see them and say ‘ Thank you ’ because I am in their debt .
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