Example sentences of "especially [conj] it was [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They saw such truancy , often regarded as a symptom of deep-rooted social , emotional or economic problems , as something which , despite their best efforts , they could do little to alleviate especially where it was accepted by parents .
2 If a family of , say , five could in years of normal food prices be almost supported on 4s 6d a week , then a payment of 6d or 1s , either to a single pauper or as a supplement to the earnings of a large family , was indeed significant , especially if it was combined with occasional relief payments for tools , clothing , towards rent or for medicine .
3 Ruotolo apparently submitted , but then published a pamphlet attacking current exegesis , especially as it was taught at the Biblicum .
4 George felt uncomfortable at this declaration , especially as it was made in a steady and unemotional voice , far removed from the previous frantic outburst on the day she had left the farm .
5 He evidently considered that gain to be worth the negative propaganda value of a militarily minor defeat , especially as it was portrayed as a defeat for the Italians , not for the Nationalists .
6 You ca n't ignore it it 's the first thing a buyer will , a buyer 's survey will pick up , especially as it was mentioned in our survey
7 In the light of that , will he reconsider the abolition of vacation hardship allowance , especially as it was abolished in clear breach of undertakings given in the House that it would remain as a safety net following the abolition of social security provision ?
8 Summing up a custom-made guitar , especially when it was made for no-one in particular , is a difficult task at the best of times .
9 David MacLehose , director of the Confederation of British Industry in Scotland , said a fall in unemployment was always welcome , especially when it was matched with the highest increase in notified vacancies at job centres for two years .
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