Example sentences of "member of [art] [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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31 He received his knighthood in the 1979 Birthday Honours List and in 1980 was elected an Elder Brother and a Member of the Court of Trinity House .
32 A John Benet , very probably the same man , was listed in 1448–9 as an existing member of the confraternity of St Nicholas , the London guild of parish clerks , to which several known composers and their wives belonged ; his wife , Agnes , is also named .
33 He was a founder member of the Company of Master Mariners .
34 During these years he was elected FRIBA ( 1850 ) , freeman of the City of London ( 1851 ) , member of the Company of Fishmongers ( 1852 ) , and associate of the Society of Civil Engineers ( 1858 ) .
35 He was a highly respected member of the panel of arbiters and was the founder chairman of the Kelso Agricultural Discussion Society .
36 We ought to have known it from the moment Mrs Thatcher was made a member of the Order of Merit , one of the top 24 in the land .
37 Our congratulations to Margaret Thatcher on the signal honour of becoming a member of the Order of Merit , where she has joined her tutor , Dorothy Hodgkin .
38 The only non-civilian member of the Council of Ministers was now Minister of Defence and Chief of Defence Staff Lt.-Gen.
39 Fernández continued as a Vice President and member of the Council of Ministers .
40 He became a member of the council of state from 1649 to 1651 , and its president for a while , and entered the Rump Parliament as MP for King 's Lynn .
41 Formally dismissed were Vandi Ka-on , member of the Council of State and Chairman of the Assembly 's legislative commission ; Ung Phan , Minister of Communications , Transport and Posts ; and Chheng Phon , Minister of Information and Culture and member of the Assembly 's legislative commission .
42 laws of freedom of movement between workers and Sweden is a member of the Council of Europe .
43 In 1633 Salisbury accompanied Charles to his coronation in Edinburgh and became a member of the council of Scotland .
44 Following the revolt that overthrew the dominion in April of 1689 , he was a member of the council of safety that ran the colony 's affairs until a popular convention voted to resume the old charter government .
45 My hon. and learned Friend the Member for Burton is a member of the council of Justice — an organisation for which I have great respect and which operates under the presidency of Lord Alexander of Weedon .
46 In the new reign Cranmer was a senior member of the Council of Regency and was also godfather to the young King Edward VI .
47 However , an Afar member of the Chamber of Deputies , Mohammed Issa Cheicko , claimed on Dec. 18 that 26 men and four women had been killed after police fired indiscriminately into a group of about 100 people whom they had arrested .
48 Allegations such as these are easy for the investor to make and , if they can not be disproved , may give an investor a right of action for any loss he has suffered under s 62 of the FSA , which provides a direct right of action to a private investor who has suffered loss as a result of a contravention by an SRO member of the conduct of business rules .
49 Talcott Parsons has proposed the very influential theory that of all other available institutions it is the classroom that above all converts an incomplete person into a member of the kind of society Parsons takes for granted as natural , that is , a kind of society where to be social is to be interested in achievement .
50 I first turned to them out of desparation in a case where I was making no progress and after some initial success my enthusiasm was further stimulated by talking to Richard Pitt a member of The Society of Homœopaths who kindly sent me a photocopy of the article by Dr. Robert Schore which is reprinted here .
51 Northwick was an initial subscriber to the British Institution , founded in 1805 , a member of the Society of Dilettanti , and a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries .
52 Elizabeth Heyrick rejoined her family , became a member of the Society of Friends , and ‘ stepped boldly forward the champion of black men and tortured beasts ’ .
53 A member of the Society of Dilettanti from its foundation c .1736 , he devised an influential plan in February 1749 for a public Academy of Arts , and was also an active fellow of the Society of Antiquaries ( 1734–48 ) .
54 Stringer was admitted a member of the Society of Mineral and Battery Works in December 1692 and of the Society of Mines Royal in June 1693 .
55 He was a vice-president of the Iron and Steel Institute ( 1891 ) , a member of the Society of Chemical Industry , a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts , and a chevalier of the Legion of Honour .
56 He was , however , always keenly interested in industrial chemistry and was a founder member of the Society of Chemical Industry ( 1881 ) and its president ( 1885–6 ) .
57 He was a founder member of the Society of Chemical Industry ( 1881 ) , and became its foreign secretary in 1910 , remaining so for a number of years , and president in 1911–12 and 1914 .
58 He was presumably known to at least some of his fellow members — who themselves became foundation members of the Veterinary College — in particular the Duke of Northumberland , first president of the College ; Granville Penn , active in the establishment of the College , who became a member of the Society of Arts in 1788 and was in 1791 a steward ; the Earl of Morton ( one of Vial 's patrons ) ; Thomas Pitt FSA , subsequently to be one of the most assiduous attenders of meetings of the College governors , and last , but not least , Arthur Young , a member of the Society of Arts since 1769 .
59 He was presumably known to at least some of his fellow members — who themselves became foundation members of the Veterinary College — in particular the Duke of Northumberland , first president of the College ; Granville Penn , active in the establishment of the College , who became a member of the Society of Arts in 1788 and was in 1791 a steward ; the Earl of Morton ( one of Vial 's patrons ) ; Thomas Pitt FSA , subsequently to be one of the most assiduous attenders of meetings of the College governors , and last , but not least , Arthur Young , a member of the Society of Arts since 1769 .
60 Delamotte belonged to that Society and was a member of the Society of Arts , and of the Society of Artists , having exhibited a number of architectural drawings at the Royal Academy .
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