Example sentences of "member [prep] the [noun] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A doctor of historical sciences and corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences , Yakovlev ( an exchange student at Columbia University in the late 1950s ) had come to Gorbachev 's attention while ambassador to Canada and from 1983 to 1985 had directed the important Institute of the World Economy and International Relations of the USSR Academy of Sciences .
2 Another way of looking at the process is to regard the member of the pair of particles that falls into the black hole — ; the antiparticle , say — as being really a particle that is traveling backward in time Thus , the antiparticle falling into the black hole can be regarded as a particle coming out of the black hole but traveling backward in time .
3 She was co-opted to the Glamorgan county education committee , and became a member of the court of governors of the University of Wales .
4 During these years he was elected FRIBA ( 1850 ) , freeman of the City of London ( 1851 ) , member of the Company of Fishmongers ( 1852 ) , and associate of the Society of Civil Engineers ( 1858 ) .
5 He was a highly respected member of the panel of arbiters and was the founder chairman of the Kelso Agricultural Discussion Society .
6 The only non-civilian member of the Council of Ministers was now Minister of Defence and Chief of Defence Staff Lt.-Gen.
7 Fernández continued as a Vice President and member of the Council of Ministers .
8 However , an Afar member of the Chamber of Deputies , Mohammed Issa Cheicko , claimed on Dec. 18 that 26 men and four women had been killed after police fired indiscriminately into a group of about 100 people whom they had arrested .
9 I first turned to them out of desparation in a case where I was making no progress and after some initial success my enthusiasm was further stimulated by talking to Richard Pitt a member of The Society of Homœopaths who kindly sent me a photocopy of the article by Dr. Robert Schore which is reprinted here .
10 Elizabeth Heyrick rejoined her family , became a member of the Society of Friends , and ‘ stepped boldly forward the champion of black men and tortured beasts ’ .
11 He was presumably known to at least some of his fellow members — who themselves became foundation members of the Veterinary College — in particular the Duke of Northumberland , first president of the College ; Granville Penn , active in the establishment of the College , who became a member of the Society of Arts in 1788 and was in 1791 a steward ; the Earl of Morton ( one of Vial 's patrons ) ; Thomas Pitt FSA , subsequently to be one of the most assiduous attenders of meetings of the College governors , and last , but not least , Arthur Young , a member of the Society of Arts since 1769 .
12 He was presumably known to at least some of his fellow members — who themselves became foundation members of the Veterinary College — in particular the Duke of Northumberland , first president of the College ; Granville Penn , active in the establishment of the College , who became a member of the Society of Arts in 1788 and was in 1791 a steward ; the Earl of Morton ( one of Vial 's patrons ) ; Thomas Pitt FSA , subsequently to be one of the most assiduous attenders of meetings of the College governors , and last , but not least , Arthur Young , a member of the Society of Arts since 1769 .
13 Delamotte belonged to that Society and was a member of the Society of Arts , and of the Society of Artists , having exhibited a number of architectural drawings at the Royal Academy .
14 A founding member of the Society of Scribes and Illuminators ( SSI ) , he became honorary secretary in 1931 , and then in 1934 joint honorary secretary of the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society .
15 Domestic worker and member of the Committee of Mothers , Mexico City , September 1982
16 The chairman is also a member of the Committee of Heads of Science Departments .
17 The second quote is from a member of the board of directors of the Highlander Research and Education Center during a board meeting which I attended in May 1986 : —
18 ‘ Jonathan Holland , our senior member of the board of directors , has announced his impending retirement , , he said .
19 The subsidiary company is not allowed to acquire shares in the holding company and no person may be a member of the board of directors of both companies .
20 Parliament also appoints a managing director for five years , and neither the managing director nor any other member of the executive of the organization is allowed to be engaged in business or become a member of the board of directors of any company .
21 Maybe the chief executive officer or some member of the board of directors had reason to doubt the standing procedures for reviewing design and failed to improve them .
22 He was a vice-president of the Chemical Society ( 1906–9 ) and was a member of the board of studies in chemistry at the University of London , and the governing body of the Imperial College of Science and Technology , London .
23 Nellie McClung served as a member of the Board of Governors of the CBC and died in 1951 .
24 In 1960 , Hugh Greene , a member of the Board of Governors at the BBC , had abruptly dismissed the claim that ITV was as much a public service body as the BBC , cynically despatching its press tag as ‘ the people 's Television ’ .
25 In 1828 George Hurst became a director of the House of Industry and subsequently a member of the Board of Guardians , a position which he held until he was in his nineties .
26 In May 1819 he was unanimously chosen as a member of the board of examiners of the Veterinary College , succeeding Cline .
27 A member of the board of examiners from 1925 to 1952 , he took the chair in 1929 .
28 A member of the Board of Trustees and two members of RBGE staff will also be invited to serve on the Committee .
29 David Lee , deputy director of the Imperial War Museum at Duxford has become a member of the board of trustees at the Yorkshire Air Museum at Elvington near York .
30 Giving voice to the demands , and warning about the constraints on teachers buying books , Pat Clark , a teacher and member of the Federation of Children 's Book Groups , reminded booksellers and publishers alike that ‘ books are only one of the resources needed by teachers ’ .
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