Example sentences of "hands [coord] [verb] them [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Shelley unclasped her hands and put them obediently at her sides .
2 Crawford scooped up the suds in his hands and put them back in the machine — through the open door .
3 But he put up no defence ; he simply raised his hands and laid them lightly on Gentle 's shoulders .
4 Cornelius threw up his hands and brought them down amidst a torrent of hair .
5 Loc had giggled with embarrassment then shook hands and greeted them hurriedly in French before Devraux returned to the car .
6 He reached towards her with his strong hands and pressed them down on the fine-boned structure of her shoulders , massaging with rhythmic , kneading movements .
7 Harry caught hold of her hands and held them tightly in his own .
8 Louisa stepped on to the ice , crossed her hands and held them out to her escorts .
9 Isabel lowered her hands and held them out to him in an invitation that was as ancient as womanhood .
10 Instead he lifted his hands and pushed them deep into her hair , and , before she had time to get herself together , he was kissing her , his mouth hard and brutal against hers .
11 Nicholas withdrew his own hands and placed them lightly on her two shoulders .
12 ‘ Certainly the play advocates a continuation of the war , as plays nowadays are required to do , ’ said Deems , folding his hands and placing them gently on the table before him , as if to show that he concealed nothing .
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