Example sentences of "reason for [det] [noun] [is] [that] " in BNC.

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1 One good reason for such priorities is that waste usually poses a smaller threat to health than air or water pollution .
2 The basic reason for such sterility is that the two parents contain different numbers of chromosomes .
3 The reason for such nonchalance is that the snakes seldom bite people and , even if they do , rarely inject much venom .
4 The only reason for this conversation is that I need transport . ’
5 Cohen also suggests that the reason for this dominance is that the left hemisphere is specially suited to serial processing while the right controls spatial processing .
6 One reason for this proposal is that , when people read aloud , they make errors which are caused by the preceding and following semantic and syntactic context around the incorrectly read word .
7 One reason for this approach is that the design issues and their treatment may not be the same in both cases , although we would be advised to look for similarities .
8 The basic reason for this change is that the scale of government activity is so vast that , more and more , ministers have to delegate to their civil servants .
9 One reason for this change is that the loosening of Russian control over Eastern Europe has bared old frictions .
10 There is a reason for this Chairman is that erm I think erm many of us and I am sure we would be deserved by recent articles in the Daily Telegraph er particularly the one that appeared last week which erm referred , I can see in the report , that it referred to a report which is very critical of the work of Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of erm Pollution .
11 The main reason for this caution is that since a magnetic tape or a photograph furnish a permanent record of behaviour , the subject is entitled to be aware that such a permanent record is being made .
12 The prime reason for this non-appearance is that , in English at least , many words can sound the same but have meanings dependant on the context that they appear in .
13 ( 6.13 ) unc The reason for this simplicity is that our normal form will eliminate all PAR constructs , and hence all internal use of channels .
14 The basic reason for this trend is that in general very much more money is awarded in the US courts than anywhere else ; also the courts there tend to favour the individual against the big organisation .
15 Part of the reason for this increase is that most of the motorway network was built during the 1960s and that , as the roads have got older , so they need more spent on them .
16 The reason for this advice is that , if you go wrong but the examiner can identify the stage at which you have gone wrong , he is able to give you the appropriate credit .
17 The reason for this advice is that quite possibly the question was set as a trap , and if you refrain have avoided it by good luck rather than good management .
18 The main reason for this study is that the future economic development of the Soviet Republics depends very largely on trade in order to provide the currency for food provision and modernisation .
19 The reason for this difference is that businesses see themselves as having a pool of resources which can be used in any aspect of their business to achieve their overall objective , e.g. to achieve a satisfactory return on capital .
20 The reason for this policy is that it is relatively easy to obtain the first few marks ( say 10 per cent ) for an examination question .
21 The reason for these visits is that they have asked for our help in drafting new laws and constitutions , as well as advising on legal procedures and the training of advocates .
22 And the whole reason for these falls is that Lake Ontario is a hundred and sixty nine feet below Lake Erie .
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